Chapter 21

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*Tanner's pov*

When my dad came back, he brought half of my childhood with him. The horrible half, that has him in it. I thought it would be best to move back home for a while, y'know with my mum and family. Dean understood he's a very understanding guy. He's been a bit busy with WWE lately, what with the Wade Barrett situation, and considering that he's his soon to be brother in law-things are getting intense. Roman has also been busy with WWE, with Wrestlemania around the corner he's got his mind set on that and nothing else. Nattie is busy with TJ problems and friend problems. My mum and Oli have been away for a while and my brothers have gone to spend some time with their dad so it's just me here on a daily basis for about a week now with nobody to talk to but myself. It's nice, I'm not going to lie but it gets boring. Everyone is supposed to come back next week so my peace will be destroyed.

There was a knock at the door. I got up off of the sofa and opened it. Dean was standing there with a bunch of flowers in his hand with a huge smirk on his face. God I've missed those blue eyes.

'Hey sunshine' he said leaning on the door frame.

'Hey babe' I replied letting him in.

He put the flowers on the coffee table and closed the door. He pulled me into a big long hug and kissed my forehead. Being in his arms was home, he's protecting me from everything, just being with him makes all the bad things go away. He numbs my sadness and makes me happy, like genuinely happy. I am so thankful for him being here. But not seeing him for a week was hard but somehow good. It's possibly brought us together and probably closer.

'How've you been Sunshine?' Dean asked swinging me back and forth gently.

'I've been missing you, that's about it. How's WWE?' I asked, even though I knew the answer because I've been watching it.

'Well that's actually what I came to talk to you about' he let go and we sat on the sofa, holding hands 'Triple H told me that he wants to include you in a storyline, it's a bit weird though. I'm not too thrilled about it' he explained.

'Oh okay, what's the storyline?'

'Well, he wants to have a love triangle been you, me and Wade'

'Right, well I like that idea. I think it could be good for you if you don't get jealous' I replied exhaling deeply and squeezing his hand a little.

'I'll let him know that you are up for it'

He looked disappointed that I said yes, although it is Wade and he was giving me the eye when I was there. He must be excited about this. I can't say that I'm too ecstatic about it to be honest but I guess I'm excited about being on WWE!

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