Chapter 20

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*Roman's pov*

A few weeks have passed since me and Tanner got together and since she told me to get out of her life and I've now got a girlfriend. She's not a wrestler or anything she's the complete opposite and to be honest I'm not that happy in this relationship. She's pushy and always starts arguments with me over the stupidest, small, crazy things. She's gorgeous and she's short which I find very attractive but she's just not what I want. The thing is that she is head over heels over me and I don't want to hurt her, but I have to do what I have to do. I can't just stay in this horrible relationship and pretend everything is fine when it's not.

'Hey sweet thang' I said tiredly walking into the kitchen because I had just woken up.

'What's this' she replied showing me a picture of Tanner that was in my wallet, along with all my other close friends.

'That's Tanner. And why are you going through my wallet?' I asked looking at the picture and then her.

'Well maybe if you didn't hide stuff like this from me I wouldn't have to fucking go through your wallet would I?'

'Why are you getting angry about this? She's just a friend and besides it's none of your business'

'It is. We're dating which means your things are my things, including pictures of girls in your wallet'

'I never said that! We've been dating for like 3 weeks and this is not working out for us. I'm sorry but I can't take the fighting anymore. We're done. Get your things and get out of my house' I replied looking into her eyes and seeing the tears form in them.

She put the wallet and picture down on the counter and walked past me wiping a tear from her eye. The sound of her sniffling and packing some of her stuff was a nice but regretful sound. I felt sorry for her but she couldn't have thought this was going well. Maybe the single life was just right for me. She walked out of the bedroom and opened the door with mascara lines down her face and a bag on her back.

'You know what? I think you like that girl and I'm just a distraction because she's taken. I know who she is, she's dating Dean and you guys hooked up once and haven't gotten over her. She's one of my friends. I guess this was the best choice' she explained sadly faking a smile and walked out the door.

There goes another girl. I can't stop thinking about Tanner, she was right, I still like her and she was a distraction. Nothing seems to work. She's just there, always on my mind.

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