Chapter 9

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Dean's POV

I walked out the door and drove to the nearest bar. It was raining so I put my coat on and jogged to the door of the bar. It was the usual scene, alcoholics drinking their lives away. I ordered beers after beers. I drunk until I couldn't feel anything anymore, the bartender told me to go home and have a coffee because I needed it. I stumbled through the door making a lot of noise. I shushed myself and placed my keys down on the side, I tripped up the stairs and almost crawled across the landing floor and fell onto the bed.

'Hello Tanner' I slurred.

I sat there waiting for a reply but there was no reply. I turned the light on and looked at the bed and Tanner wasn't there. She wasn't anywhere in the house. And that's the point where I started worrying. I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and I had 4 missed calls from Tanner and 3 text messages. I called her phone instantly and Shirley answered.

'Shirley? W-where's Tanner?' I asked.

'We're at the hospital. She had a fall' she replied, slowly and quietly.

At that moment, everything stopped. Time paused and everything went silent, my eyes started to get teary and I swayed and dropped my phone. I could still hear Shirley calling me down the phone. Suddenly, I felt sick and charged to the bathroom and was sick in the toilet. I quickly ran downstairs to the car and drove to the hospital. I raced through the hospital and asked where Tanner's room is and a nurse pointed me in the right direction. I ran down the corridors looking for her room and finally came to it. Through the window in the door I could see Tanner laying there in one of those hospital gowns. She was awake but she looked terrible. Slowly, I opened the door and Tanner instantly looked towards me.

'Dean!' She said, relieved.

'What happened sunshine?' I asked.

'I fell down the stairs and the doctor said I lost the baby' she explained and started crying into my shoulder.

I stood there gobsmacked, I couldn't hear anything, it was silent. I felt so bad that I left her to get drunk, I can't believe I just left her like that. How fucking frustrating.

'Have you been drinking?' Tanner asked me with a serious face.

'I may have had one or two but that doesn't matter, what matters is that you're okay' I replied, not wanting to get in trouble with her.

'I just wanna go home' she laid back down on the bed and put her hands over her face.

'Come on then baby, we'll go home' Shirley said to her, putting her hand on Tanner's leg.

'I-if you dont mind..can Dean stay tonight please?' Tanner replied.

Shirley looked at me and she didn't look too excited about it, more like 'I want you to come but Oli might disagree'

'Hey, Shirley if me being there would cause a fuss maybe I should just go back to mine and I'll see how's she's doing tomorrow' Shirley gave me a sorry look but she didn't have to, I completely understand.

'Stop talking about me like I'm not here, I have ears I can hear!' Tanner butted in.

Shirley helped her off the bed and she got changed. I walked out to the car with them and waited until they left. I climbed into the car and rubbed my eyes and banged my head against the steering wheel multiple times. It was dark so I could hardly see anything. But managed to get home eventually.

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