Chapter 7

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Today is the day that I'm telling my mum and step dad about myself and Dean and also me being pregnant. This could either go two ways, one way my mum killing me and the other she will accept us. The drive was silent, and it was uncomfortable. Dean hadn't said a word or taken his eyes off of the road.

'What's the matter Dean?' I asked breaking the silence.

'Oh nothing I just..' he sighed 'I guess I'm just nervous about meeting your folks, its a big deal and I want them to like me'

'Hey, listen, you'll be fine. I promise' I replied, trying to reassure him

'I suppose' he sighed once again.

'Just when you meet them be yourself but when I tell them that I'm pregnant, don't say anything' I laughed ay the last part to make him feel a bit better.

'Thanks sunshine' he answered.

Once we got to my house he looked me dead in the eyes and told me he was ready. I climbed out of the car and led him up the driveway. I unlocked the front door and saw my mum and step dad Oli cuddling on the couch watching TV. As soon as she saw me she jumped from her seat and smothered me with affection.

'Tanner! Where have you been? I've been so worried. Chris moved out and he wouldn't tell us why. I've m...who is this Tanner?' My mum bombarded me with questions, you know what mums are like.

'Hiya mum, hi Oli. First things first, this is Dean and I've been with him for over a month now' I stopped hugging her and she sat down, 'and that's why Chris moved out'

I looked at Dean and he stepped forward a little. He hung his head low and looked down at the floor, I could tell he was dreading this.

'Hello ma'am and hello sir' Dean nervously said, nodding his head slightly'

'Oh don't be silly, call me Shirley. And this is Oli, you can call him Oli' my mum stood up and went to hug him but Oli cut her off before she hardly finished her sentence.

'You young man, can call me sir' Oli announced, putting his hand out and Dean shook it.

My mum still hugged him, she's a hugger. She hugs everybody even if she only just met them.

'Okay mum, sit down' I laughed, 'there's something else I need to say' my mum sat there staring at me with an uneasy dodgy smile on her lips, he eyes were wide and I had her full attention, 'Well uh, okay um I'm pregnant and Dean's the father'

I studied their faces looking for some sort of reaction from either one of them. My mum sat there and looked at me dumbfounded for a minute and then it hit her.

'You're pregnant?!' My mum shouted getting up and smiling. She hugged me again and I could feel her smiling.

'Yeah. And Dean says he'll be here for me and I'd like it-no I'd love it if you were here for me too' I explained.

'Oh honey! Don't be daft, of course we'll be here for you' she answered.

I looked at Oli and he didn't really look too impressed with the situation.

He's like the sore thumb of the family, isn't satisfied until they've proven themselves and Dean will not have any trouble with that.

'Would you kids like a drink?' My mum asked.

'No thanks mum, we better get going. Maybe another time' I replied.

'Oh yes darling. I would like to get to know Dean more' she looked at Dean and smiled.

'Its been a pleasure meeting you ma'am-um Shirley and you too sir' Dean smiled and nodded his head at Oli.

We got back in the car and Dean sunk into the seat and sighed heavily. I looked at him and he smiled at me, he did it. He met my parents and made a good impression of himself.

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