Chapter 12

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Tanner's POV

So we were walking backstage at raw and AJ has the nerve to walk past us and call me a skank and I just lost it.

'What did you just call me?' I asked her getting in her face.

'Woah woah woah, easy tiger' she replied putting her hands up in surrender and raising her eyebrows. I pushed her a little and made her drop the belt off of her shoulder

'Get your skanky hands off of me and walk away like a good little bitch'

'Come on Tanner' Dean pulled my arm.

'You're not worth it' I replied and shrugged his hand off of me and I kicked the Diva's title.

I walked away from her and I heard her snigger behind me. I ran back to her and punched her straight in the face and she dropped to the floor. I kicked her legs and walked away from her. I could hear Dean walking behind me and he was trying to keep up. He tugged my arm gently and I suddenly clicked out of my daze back into real life. I looked into his eyes and I saw the sadness in them.

'What?' I asked confused.

'What was that?' He asked and his voice went all high and a little bit confused.

'What was what?' I replied blinking a few times.

'Wha-you just fucking punched AJ for no reason' he almost shouted at me.

'Um excuse me, she called me a skank, she had it coming to her' I defended myself.

'You didn't have to punch her' he replied.

'Okay, I'm sorry' I said to him quietly.

He hugged me once he saw how upset I was, he put his hands in my back pockets and he hugged me and I heard his heart beating fast. Like he was scared and angry at the same time. But AJ did call me a bitch and a skank so I had the right to defend myself, I couldn't just let her walk all over me.

'You're a good puncher' he cheekily said to me, smiling from left to right.

I laughed and put my head in his neck and giggled. Dean left for his match which he won, and I put my hand in my back pocket and I could feel something chainy in there. I pulled it out and it was a necklace. A beautiful, gold necklace, it is heart shape with an arrow through it. I opened it and there was writing in it, it said: I love you Tanner. I felt a tear in my eye as I held the necklace close to me. Dean turned the corner and his eyes landed on me.

'Like the necklace sunshine?' He asked heavy breathing and smiling.

'Of course I do. Its perfect' I replied hugging him.

We met up with Nattie and TJ later on and went out for coffee together. She was complaining about Ariane nearly losing her cat, Louis. Dean wasn't listening at all. In fact, he met up with Roman and they went off somewhere together.

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