Part twenty-five: Second demon guard

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Today, Todomatsu picked me up from the man I tell about my past. Of course Karamatsu, Choromatsu and Juyhsimtaus were pissed that Ichimatsu marked me and fucked me, but they know that they can't win against the demon guards, no matter how insane they are. I follow him in silent, keeping my eyes down to the ground. 'How do I get him to give me his trust?'

"Number 28, I wanna know, what do you think about love?" Todomatsu ask out of nowhere pretty calm. I hum and glance at him, following him into a different direction than my cell. " ... Love is something that this world can't bear. My sister said, loving someone is like giving your full heart to this person or people. Maybe it will shatter, maybe it won't. Only you can decide who you want to love and who not. ... In my eyes? ... I can't explain it." I say calm, glancing back down to the ground.

Todomatsu hums and keeps walking. "I see. ... And do you love your cellmates?" "Why do you ask?" Todomatsu only giggles in response. "Just answer my questions,  okay?" I stay silent for a moment, before I let out a quiet sigh. "I don't hate them, but ... I guess you can call the feelings I have for them is love." I say calm. Todomatsu hums and nods, not even taking a single glance at me. "And your sister? Do you love her?"

" ... I don't know. She is my sister, so I guess? I don't know how I feel about her, since she was the only person in my life who was kind to me." I say calm, realizing he is recording our conversation. He probably wants to play this audio to my cellmates, but I can't lose their trust. No matter what. "?!" I flinch when Todomasu suddenly stops and I can stop before I bump into him. He turns around to me with a cute smile.

"How comes you can lie so well, Y/n-kun?" Todomatsu ask with a cute smile, his eyes shut. I glance a bit around, spotting a small camera in a corner from the ceiling. 'He wants me to lose my temper. ... Not bad for a little human~.' I smirk inside to myself, glancing at Todomatsu with half closed eyes. "I'm not lying. I never knew what feelings were and are new to stuff like love." I say calm. "Are you sure~? I can see when someone is lying~. I'm even sure you wanted to fuck a girl when she was thanking you for saving-"

"Shut your fucking mouth you piece of scum." I say with a dark voice, staring at him with an dark expression. Todomatsu looks a bit scared and takes a stepp back. "I respect humans. I killed trash who deserved death after trying to destroy the mind from innocent humans forever." I take a step forward, closer again to Todomatsu. Still, I don't touch him. "I had nightmares when I lived on the street, ate trash to stay alive, killed people who tried to do any harm to me and survived in this darkness of these world. Someone like you, who got everything he wanted, who didn't had to fight for his life, doesn't have any right to insult me. Eat trash, kill people who are trying to hurt you when you're a child and try to survive in all seasons for years. If you did this, you have the right to look down on me if you want. As long as you didn't go through all of this, don't you dare to say a single word about humans life. People like you are trash who deserves to die."

Todomatsu flinch when his back hit the wall, his hand very close to his gun. I dig my nails into my skin, stepping back from him. I look up to the camera with half closed eyes. "Osomatsu. If you want me to kill him let him keep talking. But if you want him still alive you better send someone else here or I might get another breakdown and won't show mercy this time." I say to the camera, sitting down on the ground to push my face into my hands. 'Don't kill him. Don't kill him. If you do this you'll lose ebery trust you had. Stay calm!'

"N...Number 28, I-" "Shut up or I'll fucking kill you." I say through my hands muffled, feeling my blood slowly starting to boil. After a few minutes I hear footsteps. The man who talks with me about my past walks back with me to the room, being followed close from Ichimatsu. Osomatsu will probably talk with Todomatsu.

~And then...~
I leave the room again, but glance up to see Todomatsu next to Ichimatsu. I look away, putting my hands back into my pockets. "I'm sorry about what I said, Y/n. I shouldn't had tested your temper like this." I glance a bit at Todomatsu, seeing that he bowed down. " ... Just don't say this ever again, please." I say calm and Todomatsu looks surprised up, before he nods with an cute smile and slight red cheeks.

' ... This guys are so fucking stupid! I can't believe they really bought this lie! Of course I was pissed, but I would had never killed this disguting piece of trash. He just had luck this time, since he is one of them I need to earn their trust for. If Todomatsu wouldn't be one of the demon guards and just a simple prisoner ... this scum would had be dead in just a few second~.'

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