Part twenty-three: Change your mind

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I sit in the cafeteria all alone, because my three cellmates needed to go with the guards somewhere. I stare at my food with half closed eyes, but glance away and over to the small window. The sky is blue and I can't really see any clouds, so I stand up and walk to the window, ignoring the whispers and stares from the other prisoners. After I killed these scum they are afraid of me. I don't understand why, but I'm not really interested in talking with them anyways.

I stop in front of the window, looking through the very thick glass and to the sky. A few white clouds passing by, but they doesn't cover the blue sky. I stare at the scene with half closed eyes, but look over my shoulder when someone taps it. "Number 28, we're going outside for a moment." Todomatsu says calm and put me handcuffs on. I just nod and follow him, glancing away. 'How should I seduce him? I'm sure he won't tell me what I want to hear from him.'

"Why are we going outside?" I ask him calm, putting my hands into my pockets. I sigh when Todomatsu glares at me, taking my hands out again and showing him I doesn't have anything sharp in my hands. "Since staying inside all the time isn't healthy, we let the prisoners one after another out. We don't want them killing each other outside. It's harder to stop them." Todomatsu explains short to me until he unlocks the door with a card. We walk outside and I walk a bit faster away from him, stopping in front of the huge fence. It's very high and five of them standing around the whole prison.

Behind it, I can see green grass and it looks like we are very far away from a single town. All I can smell is the natur. I look into the distance with half closed eyes, feeling a cold breeze hitting my warm skin. ' ... It's been so long since I was outside and since I was free. ... Will I die in prison one day?' "Hn?" I look down when something hit my leg. I lean down, grabbing the pice paper and looking at it.

It's a flyer for a summer festival.

'"Onee-chan? What's that?" "That's a summer festival Y/n. You wanna go there with me? It's a lot of fun for children in your age."' I smile softly when I remember the days where I went with my older sister to these summer festivals. 'The fireworks ... were really cool.' My grip on the flyer tightens and I hum. "Number 28, what is that?" Todomatsu snatch the flyer out of my hand and looks at it. " ... Ah, this." He put it into his pocket, but before he turns away I speak up. "Hey, where is this?" Todomatsu hums and glance at me with half closed eyes. "It's in a town, but before you can even reach it you get cought again."

Todomatsu walks back to the door, watching me. I sigh quietly and walk slowly around the fence, looking around.

~Time skip~
I sigh quietly when I see my three cellmates with an happy smile sitting on their futons and waiting for me to fill the missing space. I lay down and get hugged immdiately before the lights getting turned off.

'I changed my mind. I'll not try to survive here, I'll break out. I guess I need to change my plan very much. ... I hope everything will work out as I need it. Even when I have to sacrifice someone for that.'

I smirk to myself before I shut my eyes, starting to think about my plan.

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