Part Sixteen: Eleven years ago

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~Haruna's POV~
I don't remember exactly what happened, but I can remember it a little bit. I was walking very late at night back home, because I had a project I'm working on with a coworker. It took longer than I thought, so I was in a hurry to head home. On my way, I suddenly got pulled into a side street and felt a knife getting pressed from behind against my throat. The man was about to rape me and almost thrusted into me, but in the next moment I felt something warm drip down onto my face.

Now, I stare at the small boy who holds a knife in his right hand while the man who was about to rape me lays dead on the ground. I heard the boy laughing while he was stabbing the knife into the man's chest, but now he stays quiet. The boy looks at me with half closed eyes, before he turns away and walks away from me.

"Ah! W-Wait!" I call out for him and he really stops, glancing over his shoulder. "Um ... th-thank you. Can I give you something in return for saving me?" The boy only stares at me, before he looks forward again and sudenly starts to run away. I try to stand up, but he is already gone. I look unwell and a bit sad into the direction he left. 'Maybe we will see each other again some day.'


It's been now a week since the boy saved me. I called the police and told them that an adult man came and killed the man suddenly, before he ran away when he saw me. I know that I shouldn't had lied, but I also know that they wouldn't even had believed me when I told them a child saved me.

Now, I sit alone in the kitchen. It's already midnight, but I can't sleep. Or better to say, I couldn't sleep since I saw this boy. It's not like I was scared of him or the scene he created, I couldn't sleep because I was worried about him. He looked very thin and his clothes were just a simple t-shirt and shorts. I guess when I looked right, they even were ripped, but I can't really remember it fully.

I sigh softly, staring down into my coffee. 'Weird. I don't even feel tired. I wasn't sleeping for a whole week, but I don't look tired, neither do I feel like this. I wonder ... why.' I hum when I hear someone knocking on the front door. I stand up and grab a baseball bat, looking carefully through the spy hole. I'm confused when I don't see a single person, so I carefully unlock the door and open it a little.

"Ah, it's you." I open the door fully when I see the boy who saved me. He glance away from me and shows me an emotionless expression, looking like he doesn't even know what emotions are. I hum and step aside, offering him to come inside. He hesitate for a while, but when I place the baseball bat away he walks inside and looks around, almost a bit confused.

I laugh softly when I hear his stomach growl and lock the door again, walking over to the kitchen. "I'll make you something to eat, okay?" The boy looks at me with half closed eyes, following me. Again, he holds the knife in his hand and I can see fresh blood on it. I guess he killed right now someone and wants to hide for a wile.

"You can sit down on the chair and make yourself comfortable. I will cook you something, okay?" I give him a soft smile, but he keeps his cold expression. I sigh softly, but keep my smile and open the fridge, taking out all the ingredients I need. I notice that the boy sits really down on the chair I was pointing at, but he keeps his eyes on me. I'm sure he wants to make sure I don't try to poison him.

When I'm done, I place the omurice down in front of his nose. He looks a bit confused, but also curious at it. I sit down on the second chair, but flinch when he reach a hand out to grab the food with his bare hand. "W-Wait wait wait wait wait wait!" He flinch and point the knife at me, narrowing his eyes. I sigh softly and take carefully the spoon in my hand, cutting a pice from the omurice away and blowing the steam off. "It's very hot, so you need to be careful. If you eat with otu hands, you might burn yourself." I say with a soft voice.

He seems to understand what I said and lowers the knife. He glance down to the spoon, looking like he doesn't know what to do. "Open your mouth a bit." The boy hesitate, but opens his mouth a little bit and I can push the spoon carefully in his mouth. "Now close your mouth and take the food down from the spoon." He does what I tell him and when I pull the spoon out again, he chews careful and slow on it.

His eyes lit up and he rips the spoon out of my hand, starting to do the same I did before. Taking a pice from the omurice, blowing on it a bit too hard and eats what didn't fell down. I don't know why, but it makes me smile. He just looks like a baby who tries to understand the world.


I found out that the boy didn't had a name, so I gave him one. Y/n isn't really used that someone takes care of him and I can see this, but he is at least trying to understand it. I don't know if he even can speak, because he didn't said a single word since he is living with me. It's only four days now, but I guess he was growing up on the street.

I lay in bed and was about to fall asleep, but I flinch when the door from my bedroom gets kicked open. I sit quickly up and are surprised to see Y/n. He was sleeping on the couch, but I'm sure he was just pretending. He isn't used to sleep in a safe place if he really grew up on the street. "Y/n? Did something-"

"I killed someone. I wanted to kill 'em, so that's what I did."

Y/n told me about how much people he killed, how much he was enjoying their screams in fear and how told me every single thing he could say with the words he learned on the streets. They weren't really much, but most of them were words with killing people, blood and even a few organs. I'm sure he didn't even knew what organs were, but he just said them, hoping deep inside to scare me with that.

After he was done, he said: "Didja think I was some poor little boy?! Too bad!"

What should I have said to him back? He must have been seeking something from me. Perhaps something that would have given his existence meaning. A child so confused by kindness that it irritates him. He was almost drenched completely in blood. He was looking at me and I'm sure he wanted to scare me with this insane look on his face, but I didn't even felt this way.

I get out of the bed and crouch down in front of his blood dripping knife he is pointing at me. "I see. ... And? Do you feel better now?" I ask him with a soft voice. Y/n's eyes widen and he stares at me in pure shock, not able to move. I smile a little and close my eyes. "Listen Y/n, I won't judge, neither will I tell the police about this. And you know why? Because I started to see you as a little brother. ... I love you Y/n."

Y/n starts to tremble and tears rolling down his cheeks, surprising me very much. It's the very first time I see him crying. Y/n let go of the knife and starts to wipe his tears away, looking like he doesn't understand what happens to him. I smile a little and let him, watching him to make sure he doesn't hurt himself from not understanding this feelings.

~Back to you~
I sit with Karamatsu, Choromatsu and Jyushimatsu in the cafeteria. The three of them eating, while I just stare down onto my food. "Y/n, are you okay?" Jyushimatsu looks worried at me. I open my mouth, but hum when I feel someone behind me.

"Hey number 28, I heard a woman is here to see you~? And I even heard she has a daughter~. Can I fuck them~?"

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