Final: I'm back

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I help my niece getting ready for kindergarten while I eat at the same time my breakfast, a simple bread with jam. She giggles while smiling happy at me, causing me to laugh softly. "You're always so excited when you can go to the kindergarten to see your friends. Haruna-nee, is the obento done?" I call out to her, placing the yellow hat down onto Hana's head, causing her to giggle in happiness.

"Yep! Just in time!" My older sister comes out of the kitchen and hands me over the two obentos. I put the small one into the bag from my niece and put my onw into my schoolbag. Right now, I'm going into the second year of high school, but I don't really have friends because I look like a rowdey. "Thanks. I'll pick her up after school is done, so you can work without worrying for her." Haruna nods with a smile and ruffles my hair. I blush softly and push her hand away with a soft growl. "Stop that, you know I don't like this." Haruna laughs softly and crouch down to give Hana a kiss on the cheek. "I know, but I'll never stop this."

I sigh and wave with Hana goodbye before I pick her up and walk to the kindergarten with her. After a prisoner shoot himself the government changed the laws so this never happens again. No one really knows how he could escaped the prison, nor what his real name was, but they didn't called him a monster at least anymore. This is almost 60 years ago. My great grandmother said her mother was "the older sister" from these prisoner, but he wasn't such a bag guy like everyone said.

I sigh quietly, but laugh softly when Hana grabs my nose with her tiny hands. "You're funny." I chuckle and hold her protective in my arms. "Oi! Aren't ya the guy who kicks other's asses?!" I covered Hana's ears so she doesn't hear the bad words. "Ha?" I look over my shoulder with an dark expression. The six guys flinching and their outfits looking like ... I think they're trying to be delinquents? I have no idea.

"Y-Ya better-Oi!" I walk away from them, since the kindergarten isn't far away. The six following me, as much as I can see when I glance over my shoulder. They stop when I walk into the kindergarten, bringing Hana to the teacher and waving goodbye to her with an smile. I leave and make a sign to the six that they have to follow me. After we are far away enough, I stop and turn around. "Tell me what you want and leave me alone." I sigh with my arms crossed over my chest.

"We wanna fight ya! Aren't ya the strongest delinquent in our school?!" The on in red yells at me. 'Oh no, they're in my school?' I sigh and shake my head. "Not interested. Fight with someone else." They flinch and stare at me. If I'm not seeing things they even pout for a short moment. "Y-Ya have to! Ya can't turn us down man!" The one in blue yells over. "I think I just did. Bye." I turn away and walk away from them, to my school.

Again, they are following me but don't coming closer. 'Great. Now these weirdos will follow me until I beat them up.' I sigh and just shake my head, putting my hands inside my pockets.

~At lunch~
I went outside to eat in peace, but I saw the six delinquents how they got beaten up. I huff and wipe the blood from my nose away while the six guys running away. 'Jeez, first they say they will break my bones and now they just leave.' I sigh and pat the dust off my uniform. "W-Why..?" I hum and look over my shoulder, over to the six delinquents who staring at me like a confused puppy. "Look, you can dress and say whatever you want, but if you really look for a fight than have the guts and punch back. You six better go to the nurse. Since we're in the same class I'll tell the teacher you felt sick and are in the nurse office. See ya."

I turn away again and leave to finally eat my obento. "W-Wait!" "Oofu!" I get tackled down to the ground and groan in pain. "Be our leader!"

Now I curse myself for helping them.

Prison lover (Matsuno brothers x Male!Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora