Part Six: Who are they?

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"Hm? You mean the guards who brought us back?" Choromatsu ask confused with a raised brow. I nod my head while sitting on my bed with my legs crossed. "I don't like them, so I wanna know a few things about them. What are their names and why did they act like they can do what they want?" I ask calm. The three exchanging a glance before looking back to me. "Well, first, the three of them are brothers. Todomatsu is the youngest, Ichimatsu is the middle child and Osomatsu is the oldest." Choromatsu explains.

"Todomatsu looks nice, but he is very sly and has two faces. He is nice as long as you do what he tells you to do, but if you piss him off or he need to make his hands dirty, he will punish you in his room. From all punish rooms is Todomatsu's the normal one. All he is doing is trying you to a bed or a chair, thrusting sex toys into you for a while until you came three times and will stop after that. Todomatsu isn't such a big sadist, but he would spank you." Jyushimatsu explains with a smile, but his mouth is closed.

"Ichimatsu doesn't really has the best temper, so you shouldn't test it. He never shows a smile and if he does, apologize immediately. Ichimatsu gets pissed off very easy and loves to give other people pain. He is a pure sadist and if he drags you to his room, you get punished for a long time. He doesn't stop until you passed out or he gets satisfied. Ichimatsu would thrust the sex toys into you without carrying how exhausted you are and spank you until your whole ass is red." Choromatsu explains a bit unwell.

"Osomatsu is ... different. The way he talks and acts makes it impossible to tell what he really feels. He doesn't punish someone often, because he says it's too much work for him, but one prisoner got punished from Osomatsu one time. This prisoner always tried to start a fight, was yelling and punching the other guards and even spit one time into Osomatsu's face. ... We didn't saw him for the rest of the day and when he returned the next morning to eat with all of us, he never made any trouble again. When we asked him what happened ... he just stayed silent and was avoiding this theme until he died here. He didn't killed himself, he was dying because he got a heart attack while sleeping." Karamatsu explains with a slight pale face.

I hum and think about the new informations. "That's why we call them the three demon guards!" Jyushimatsu says with an happy smile again, mouth open. " ... I see. They are these type of person." I mumble quietly to myself, feeling my blood starting to boil in anger. "Y/n?" Choromatsu ask with slight worry in his voice.

I jump down from the bed and walk over to the door. "Um, Y/n? What are you doing?" I raise one leg up, but hum when the lock from the door gets unlocked. I put my leg down again and make a step back. Sachi opens the door and is a little surprised to see me. "It's lunch time, so ... come out and eat." He let the door open and walks down the hallway. I follow him quickly.

"Is the food different every day?" I ask with an small smile. "Oh, y-yes. We try to give our prisoners at least a good and healthy meal, so they won't gain too much weight or get sick." Sachi explains with a smile. "Sounds nice." Sachi hums and glance at me, but I ignore it. " ... You really have a feminine body, Y/n. I don't think the other prisoners would touch you, but watch out, okay?" Sachi smiles at me softly.

I glance at him with half closed eyes, but shut them and smile again. "Thanks, Sachi. I'll remember this."

Prison lover (Matsuno brothers x Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now