Part Twenty: A trauma who will ever chase me

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~Haruna's POV~
I sit with Osomatsu-san in his office again. "You should give me a very good reason why I shouldn't ask for number 28's execution." He says calm while looking at me with cold eyes. I look unwell down, rubbing my arm a bit. "Number 28 had the same behavior in the other prisons, he attacked her other prisoners and guards and killed two people in just one day. This shouldn't had happen. He is acting like a wild animal who-"

But before Osomatsu-san can say more, I slap him hard across his face. "He has a name! And Y/n only did this because he wanted to protect me! I told you to let us go, but it's not my fault if you don't listen to me! It's clear that I know much more about my little brother than you, Osomatsu-san! It was your fault that this one guard died and don't you ever dare to insult him again!" I yell angry at him. Osomatsu-san stays silent for a moment, before he let out a sigh and looks at me again. "Then explain to me why he acted like this."

I sigh and look unwell down to the ground, hugging myself. "The day Y/n got caught, was the day where both of us got a trauma." Osomatsu-san looks a bit confused, but he will not disturb me. "You see, after Y/n was with me he calmed more down and tried to learn things on his own. After I taught him reading he picked books up he found and read them. He tried to cook and to clean up the house so I don't have so much to do after I come home. He even weren't afraid anymore of walking outside alone in the middle of the day. But on this day ... he never felt so afraid like before."

My lips quivering by the memories, but I try to hold my tears back. "Y/n and me were eating dinner, but then all of a sudden four men came inside my apartment. Y/n wanted to use the knife, but he got punched and they were too strong. I tried to call the police, but two of them slapped me and destroyed the phone. They ... forced Y/n to stay on the ground and pushed his one arm behind his back so he doesn't stand up while ... they forced him to watch how the other two ... teared my clothes off."

I let out a shaky sigh and hug myself tightly. "I screamed for help, but got muffled from one of them when he pressed his hand onto my mouth. Y/n ... was yelling and begging to let me at least go, but they only laughed at him. I guess ... the moment when I looked at Y/n before one of them could thrust into me ... he saw how much I was afraid. Something in Y/n must had snapped and ... he forced himself out of their grip by breaking his own arm. I guess he didn't cared in this moment for anything anymore. It all went so fast, I can't even remember anything. Y/n was killing all of them so quick that I can only remember how he pulled me fast away from the dead bodies and hugged me tightly."

Tears falling down from my face while my body trembles a little. "Y/n was apologizing without a break, he didn't even realized that he cried. When we heard that the police is almost there, Y/n let go of me and grabbed a knife. He stabbed into the men a few times before he told me what I should say. ... Tell them I forced you to keep me here. Tell them I'm the monster who killed so many people and always got away with it. I'll make sure to tell them that I killed these men. I'm sorry Onee-chan, but thank you for everything. I hope you will find the man of your dreams and start a family. I guess it was selfish from me to wish to be a part of it."

~Osomatsu's POV~
Haruna started to cry and couldn't say a single word anymore. So I called her husband and their child to take care of her. Now they are in my office to calm her down, while I stay in front of the door where number 28 is inside. "Since when is he doing this?" "We're not sure, but when we came to check on him he was already punching the walls."

I hum and unlock the door, walking inside. Number 28 didn't even noticed me and keep punching a spot on the wall. His knuckles already bleeding and the spot he is hitting has already his blood on it. I sigh quietly and say calm: "Y/n, stop this. It won't make anything better." Number 28 continues to punch the wall, looking like he already had his mental breakdown. I walk over to him and push him gentle back.

Number 28 stumbles back and falls down onto his butt, gripping his hair now and groaning. He throws himself to the ground and squirms around on the ground, looking like he is fighting against something. I narrow my eyes a bit and remember something. " ... You two, bring me number 2, 3 and 5. Now." The two guards nodding and running quickly away to get the three. 'That he didn't attacked Haruna, I can understand this. But I don't understand why he didn't attacked number 2, 3 and 5. He doesn't even know them for so long, yet, he stopped immediately when he saw them.'

I watch number 28 while he suffers from the mental breakdown. After a while the other three arrive and I step to the side. "Y/n!" They run to him and getting down on their knees, looking very concern. They keep asking if he is okay and number 2 removes the hands from his head so he doesn't hurt himself. Number 28 looks at them before he hugs number 5 very tight and starts to cry.

I turn away and walk out. "You two, watch them. If anything happens, shoot them. But don't  you dare to kill them on purpose or just because you don't like them." I narrow my eyes at them while the two guards nodding with fear in their eyes. I walk away and leave them alone, but bite down onto my thumbnail.

'What did number 28 do to them? They always ... killed their cell members before he was there.'

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