Part twenty-two: Don't lose your face

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"Do you really mean it?"

I stare at the three with half closed eyes, seeing how they stare at me now with big eyes and an insane look in them. When I don't answer honestly now...

...maybe I'll die.

I sit up and say with a calm voice: "Yeah, I really mean it." They walk to their futons and patting a free spot in the circle. I jump down from the bed and walk over to them, sitting down. "Will you love us no matter what we will tell you, Y/n?" Karamatsu ask with a calm voice, but looks at me with half closed eyes. "I won't lie to you three. If you raped a person, I'll leave this cell, because I don't wanna kill you." They all shaking their heads and Choromatsu let out a quiet sigh.

"We three are brothers and ... we fell in love with a girl in middle school." Choromatsu says calm. "Her name was Totoko and she was always a very nice and kind girl. We three fell in love with her, but she only loved Karamatsu-niisan." Jyushimatsu says calm. "Since we all looked the same, she didn't even noticed when one of my little brothers showed up on our dates. Of course I love my brothers and I would never stand in their way to find love, so we decided to date Totoko at the same time without her noticing." Karamatsu smiles softly and close his eyes.

"Sadly, she found out that she had sex with us three, thinking all the time it was me. We never forced her to sleep with us, so we didn't understood why she was so angry." "So we knocked her out and took her to our basement, without our parents noticing it. We locked her at first to the wall, to make sure she doesn't run away from us. When she woke up, she suddenly started to scream and called us crazy when we explained to her that we locked her up because we love her." Choromatsu sighs. "We were keeping here there for two months. We feed her, gave her something to drink and we always made sure she has everything she needs to stay alive. But..." Jyushimatsu trails unwell off.

" ... She suddenly said she will hate us forever." Karamatsu says now with a low voice, looking down to the ground with widen eyes. "Why did she hate us? We gave hher everything she needed. Food, water, cuddles and comfort. We were protecting her from the cruel outside world." Choromatsu says slighty annoyed by this memories. "So we did something to make sure she'll love us forever and we can keep her forever." Jyushimatsu smiles suddenly like a psycho and they all look at me with big eyes and an trembling smirk.

"We killed her to keep her forever~."

I look at them with half closed eyes, listening close. "We killed her and buried her in a forest with a stone on it, so we know where she lays~." "Since we killed her and buried her, she was ours forever~." "No one was able to take er away from us, because she belonged to us now~." They start to look love drunk. "And over time, there were so many other girls we fell for~. All of them stayed in our basement for two months befre we killed them and buried them too~." Choromatsu says almost dreamy.

I hum and close my eyes. "Then why do you fell in love with me? I'm not a girl, neither did I showed you three at first my feelings." They stop and looking now surprised at me, before exchanging a glance. "Well ... you were the only one who never asked us why we are here." Choromatsu says calm. "You didn't even judged us after we said you have a feminine body, my sweetheart." Karamatsu says with a cool smile. "You also protected us from getting punished when we left with you the cell!" Jyushimatsu says with an happy smile.

I sigh quietly and look down. 'They sure are insane, but ... it calms me down that they didn't raped a single person. If ... I would ever say I hate them instead of loving them ... I'm sure they will kill me immediately to know they owned me. ... But it's important for me to keep this whole act up. I'm still not close enough to my plan and I need to keep moving on. ... Once I get punished from Todomatsu, Ichimatsu and Osomatsu ... I need to make sure ... that they fall in love with me too. They need to trust me, no matter what I need to do for this.'

"Do you ... still love us, Y/n?" Jyushimatsu ask a bit sad, looking at me a bit weird. " ... Yes, I still love you three." I smile softly at them, but only get tackled down from them and feel my pants getting removed.

I sigh quietly, knowing I won't get any sleep tonight.

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