Part twenty-one: Not over yet

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~Your POV~
Osomatsu told me he won't punish me as long as my mental state is bad. I would kill mysef in the end or something like this. So I have to go for a whole month to a man I need to tell about my past to get over my trauma. Osomatsu promised me that the man won't tell him anything and will only tell him when I'm doing good with my mental state or bad.

I sigh when I get brought to my cell back. The door gets unlocked and once I'm inside and the door is shut, my three cellmates running over to me. "Y/n, are you okay?" "Did he touched you?" "Did you cried?" They touch my body to check if I'm hurt or not. I sigh quietly and push their hands gentle away. "Calm down, he just talked with me." They look relieved, but I flinch when Jyushimatsu hugs me suddenly very tightly from the side. "You're so soft Y/n~! Just like a pillow~!" I groan when he starts to press me harder against him, giving me the feeling he wants to break my bones.

"Oi, Jyushimatsu, let him go." Choromatsu says calm and helps me to get free from the iron grip. "Ah! I-I'm sorry Y/n! Did I hurt you?!" Jyushimatsu ask panicked. I hum and glance at him with half closed eyes before shutting them and shaking my head. "I'm okay. Don't-?!" "Yay!~" Jyushimatsu hugs me again, but this time a bit more gentle than before. "My dear Y/n, may I ask how you feel?" Karamatsu ask with a smile, but I can see concern in his eyes.

Jyushimatsu let go of me and I walk to the door from the bathroom. I really need to piss and that since I talked with this guy. "I'm fine." But I hum when my wrist gets grabbed from behind. I glance over my shoulder, seeing that Choromatsu hold me back and he stares at me with half closed eyes, giving me chills. " ... If you wanna talk about anything, just talk with us, okay?" He smiles at me before letting go again. I hum and nod, walking inside the bathroom and shutting the door.

'They have a psychological problem.' I remove my pants and sit down, because my legs hurting when I stay too long without moving a single muscle. 'They were already suspicious since I came here. No matter how much they acted nice, I could see at first something cold in their eyes. They didn't liked me, but ... then they suddenly started to like me. I don't know what it did to make them like me, but since their eyes started to follow me ... they are so clingy. After I was having sex with them ... they got even more clingy. But I don't know why they are so addicted to me and why they sometimes looking even insane to me. Well, this prison is for insane serial killers, so I shouldn't be surprised that they have such a look in their eyes. ... Wait. Why are they even here?'

As soon as I finish, I wash my hands and leave the bathroom, but flinch when Karamatsu stays suddenly in front of me. He smiles at me before stepping away and walking to his futon to read one of his magazines. If you don't make any trouble and don't wanna commit suicide, you get from time to time a few items from the guards. It's a way to make sure the prisoners don't get totally crazy in here.

I walk to my bed and climb up the ladder before laying down with a quiet sigh. " ... Say, guys, why are you three in prison anyways? It looks like you know each other before you were even here." I ask calm and glance down to them. They froze and staring down to the ground, stopping with that they were doing. I look at them with half closed eyes, waiting for what will happen next.

"Y/n, do you love us?" Choromatsu ask calm, not looking at me. I hum and wait for a bit before saying: "Yeah, I do."

"Do you really mean it?"

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