Part twenty-nine: Last message

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~Back to you~
After I left the prison with the car, I stopped in a random forest far away and set it on fire. I walked away and broke into a house when the family way gone. The child got treated nice, so I decided to let the parents alive. I grabbed some clothes to change into them, but made sure to burn the clothes so no one knows at first from where I came from. After a day I arrived earlier than I thought in town, killed a man at night who tried to rape a child and took the smartphone with me. I made a rest to see what I have to do to take over every smartphone, tv and what else humans have. After a bit reading and testing, I found out and waited for the next night to arrive.

The day when the summer festival starts.

I went into a huge pile of humans, what was disgusting me and gave me the lust to kill them all, but I was putting that feeling at first aside. I found a man who was in a group and who looked like he will do whatever I say when I push a gun against his head. So I went to them and told him that a police officer wanted to talk with him. I still can't believe this human was believing me.

Of course he was giving in immediately after I pointed my gun at him, saying I'll kill everyone around us and making sure to make it look like it was his fault that all the humans and children died. He did what I told him to do, walked with me up to a shrine near the summer festival and after I made sure that no one on the summer festival can see this live thing, he hold the smartphone up to me while I have the gun in my hand.

"Now, listen up you humans. I'm the serial killer who is pretty insane in his head and I killed everything. Men, women and even children. You wonder why? ... Because the garbage who thinks raping someone is alright deserves nothing more than death to end up in hell with me." I stepped close to the camera, looking at it with an dark expression. When I notice the man looking in fear at me, I sigh and take a step back again. "I will make it short before this human there will pass out." I take a big breath before letting it out with a sigh.

"To my parents who abandoned me and I don't know, thanks for letting me and end up as monsters. I guess you were right about me. Second, to my older sister who showed me for the very first time kindness ... thank you for everything. I love you so much." I smile softly for her into the camera, before getting my calm expression again.

"To my three cellmates, I guess I should thank you too. I can't say I love you, because the feelings for loving someone in such a way ... I don't know them. I can't trust you, because I know you just use me for your own desires. You aren't any better than any other human. To my three guards ... sorry for not listening. I guess that's something I will never learn. I'm smarter than I looked and faked my stupidness, because in every other prison I was I got treated like shit. My legs got broken twice in the same prison from the same guards, because I didn't wanted to eat the spoiled food they gave us. Because I didn't listened, I got pushed into water with an taser touching it. When I was defending a man who got thrown into prison for protecting his daughter from a killer by killing this trash, I got beaten up from the guards until I passed out."

I glance at the man who looks a bit pity at me now before turning back to look at the camera. "This world is nothing but trash. Humans like you are disgusting me and if I'm the monster who kills humans who think raping is alright, fine, I'll be a monster then. I prefer to be a monster than rather be a human. But this will be the last time you see me anyways, so remember this massage very good."

I step closer to the camera with an small smile, half closed eyes. "In this world full of hate and war ... is it really too much to ask for peace?"

The first rocket gets shoot up into the sky and I look up to see it explode in the sky. I smile softly before placing the gun against my head, pulling the trigger.

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