Part Seven: Second time fear

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I walk with my three cellmates into the huge cafeteria, looking around. It's a very simple gray room with dark gray tables. Of course the benches are locked together with the table, so none of the other prisoners can throw this benches around. I follow the three, glancing at the other prisoners with half closed eyes. All of them are talking very carefree and smiling, not really looking like they are annoyed or angry to be here. A few of them looking at me, whispering something. 'They don't act, huh?'

"Here." Karamatsu holds out a tray for me. "Ah ... thanks, Karamatsu." I take it and watch the three how they choose the food and after I did the same, we sit down by an empty table. "And Y/n? How was the food in the other prisons?" Choromatsu ask with an curious smile. I hum and poke the food. " ... Sometimes it was poisoned and sometimes it was just trash." I say calm and cut a bit away from the omurice with my spoon, taking it into my mouth.

"P-Poisoned?!" Choromatsu ask shocked. I hum and nod my head, feeling a bit of my blood rise up into my cheeks. 'It's very good.' "May I ask what you mean with poisoned?" Karamatsu ask worried. "They mixed sometimes medicine into the food that gave us stomach pain. By that, the guards had an easier job and none of us made any trouble." I explain calm, eating a bit relaxed. "What shitty prisons!" Jyushimatsu beams happy.

"Oi, shut up Jyushimatsu." I hum and look over my shoulder, seeing one man who looks like a closet. He sits alone while eating, so I guess he must be not good to talk to. " ... And why should he?" I ask with an sligth smile, wanting to know how he reacts.

He and does what I already guessed.

"Are you looking for a fight, you girl-boy?" He ask with narrowing eyes, clenching his hands into tight fists. " ... Pft, like you could even win." I laugh a bit, but he stands up and walks with an annoyed face over to me. Karamatsu stands immedatiely up, but I grab his wrist and pull him down again. "What was that, you toothpick?" He ask very annoyed and looks down to me pissed off. The guards who need to watch us looking nervous now.

I sigh and stand up, stepping over the bench and taking a few steps back with my hands behind my back. "You could never win in a fight. You are so big, but that only means you move slow and for a toothpick like me are you an easy target." I laugh a bit, smiling. The man wants to punch me, but he missed when I jumped to the side. "Oh no~! Are you trying to hit me~? I feel so afraid~!" I say fake whining. One guard runs out to get one of the three demon guards, I guess.

"You are dead!" He yells angry at me and tries to punch me again, but this time a bit faster. "Oh~!" I step aside and he miss again. "If you try to punch me again, I'll-" But he raise his fist up again, what means for me he doesn't want to listen. I move aside to let him hit the air again, but this time I slap him with one hand very hard and fast against his ear.

"Fuck!!" He yells in pain and steps back, stumbling from side to side while holding his bleeding ear. I smirk and walk closer again. "Now you are not able to make a single step without stumbling and I bet your vision is already blury as well~. Want me to kill your ability to see~?" "Arck!" I pushed him to the side, causing him to fall down to the ground like a baby. Since our ears are the organs for our balance, his brain can't stop his body to fall down. It's even a surprise he didn't fell to the ground after I destroyed his right ear.

I press his head with my left hand down to the ground and hold my thumb, index and middle finger in a claw position over his left eye. "Before I take your eye out ... tell me ... why are you here~?" I ask with an smirk, enjoying the view I have right now. "Y-You little-"

I sigh when I feel cold metal getting pressed against my throat from behind. "Ya know, you're slowly pissing me off ... Osomatsu." I pull away from the man and get up, holding my arms to the side to show him I don't have any weapons. The gun gets removed from my head and I get spun around. Osomatsu grabs my face and press my cheeks hard together. "Sachi. Haruto. You two will make sure number 57 gets medical help. Now." Osomatsu says with a monotone voice. The two guards lifting up the passed out man and leaving the cafeteria with him.

"Now to you." Osomatsu looks down at me with half closed eyes, squeezing my cheeks harder together. "You are new and I got informations from your old prison guards. You may had to go through a lot of things in your old prisons, but I will tell you this just once, number 28." Osomatsu leans down, closer to me ear. "If you keep causing me so much work I have to punish you."

For the second time in my whole life, I had the feeling my heart stopped to beat for a moment. Osomatsu let go and takes one step away from me, smiling friendly. "Well then, enjoy your lunch, number 28." Osomatsu turns away and walks away again, letting out an exhausted sigh. Karamatsu, Choromatsu and Jyushimatsu quickly rushing over to me, checking if I'm hurt. They say something to me, but I stare at Osomatsu and how he leaves the room.

'I was ... for one second really scared.'

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