Dreams And Schemes

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Everybody has a different life story. I believe that mine was written when god was in a really pissed mood because he has truly given me a tough time believing in things I thought would come true. Things that every girl wishes for and things that every guy wishes , for too, but as a secret. I mean I understand that it doesn’t JUST happen but it happens. It makes you feel like you’re flying and makes the stupid, silly ironical bells ring in your head. I mean it’s like eating ice cream, random but makes you happy. I hope you’re getting what I’m talking about? Love.  LOVE. Obviously LOVE!

Yeah, sure we get it from our parents and friend and old people but this love I speak of, comes from the person who you can be intimate with, someone who will never leave your side, someone or atleast, I hope, something that they talk about in books. The magical feeling, the crazy rush in your heart. We all hope for that love, we all wish to experience it, some even think love it is possible when you meet ‘THE ONE’. But I don’t think that way, I don’t think you need to meet ‘THE ONE’ to experience love.

It could be an ass who’s extremely hot and sexy and you end up ‘having sex with him kind of love’ or it could be the funny, sweet kinda guy who makes you smile kind of love. Anything is love, even your crush is love, don’t lie, I know your smiling. Yes, Crush.Is.Love.

So what have I got you here for? I’ve got you here to tell you my story. To tell you love existed in my world and pain existed even more, but well you suck it up, throw it out and move on.  I really, really had the wrong idea of happiness, clearly a FOOL, a IDIOT and someone who you can call a BLONDE! But my hair colour is brown and so are my eyes, so I’m just using the term ‘blonde’ as erm.. racist, sorry…

But Blonde’s are really really smart, I mean REALLY. My high school enemy Eliot was a blonde. A rich, beautiful blonde and fuck I hated her. She had the brain of an evil villain in a James bond movie. Her Schemes used to ruin my life! You know once in school, I walked into my class trying to get to my seat and she had planted a fart bomb over my chair. I was in such a hurry to stay invisible in class that I ran to sit down and when I did.. I guess you can predict what happened next. Shit. I cried. I was only 16! It was obvious I would cry! I mean COMMON! And then she went on chanting that whole year about what a cry baby I was, a farter and a cry baby.

At that time I probably wanted to die but as I grew up I thanked my luck that my dear father had put me in an all - girls school and that Eliot couldn’t publically insult me in front of the *opposite sex* you know right? BOYS!

I was glad time was passing by so fast and I graduated from high school at the age of 18. THANK GOD Or ELSE I WOULD HAVE SUICIDED if it had lasted any longer. Trust me.

I don’t blame my sucky years that I had in high school. My mom had died giving birth to my baby brother and I had my father who didn’t have much time for me since he had to look after a small child and his job at his restaurant where he was and still is the Top Chef and me, so I was left to suffer the beauty parts of high school to myself.

I wasn’t pretty, I had huge black rim glasses and my dad never got me any contacts. I was fat, I had overly thick hair and had a hard time ‘waxing’. Yuck!

I know, but now that high school was over and I was in college, I had much better control of my life, I learnt the words exercising, bikini waxing and eyebrow plucking. The best part of it was I was going to turn twenty in another week and I finally had friends, well a friend to celebrate with and nothing could go wrong, nothing.


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