Authors Note

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Alright! I hope you liked my book or my writing, please let me know if it was worth it or not? This has been my 5th book in an year :D yaye :P

I will be writing another book still deciding the story and stuff and I hope you guys will like it too! If you love my writing don’t stop reading my book as they will always keep coming! Read my other works if you haven’t!

I appreciate all those who gave this books a chance, who read, who comment who voted. Thank you so much for your little bit of support, it has done wonders to my writing. Thank you for being so kind and liking my work.  Even those who have my book in their library it’s an honour!

I look forward to writing better and starting to write my next book but it might take a few days :D but I’d love your support for it!

Thank you once again for everything! Hope to see some of you again in my other book! I love you guys! Take care!! See ya!!

-          PrinceSsDD

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