Mad Warfare

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Ochako and Momo walked into the monitor room with Recovery Girl. They sat on the seats offered while Eri was gnawing on a teething ring. The small girl had recently been having difficulties with her teeth starting to come in for the three to start freezing her teething rings to try and help ease the pain a bit on her.

"So how much do you think Izuku's gonna work with Bakugou on?" Ochako asks for Momo to start thinking.

"Probably about 4.35% chance that the two work together. About 8.19% chance if Izuku tries to win after Bakugou loses. And the 87.46% chance that Izuku and Bakugou will fail because of their inability to work together towards the common threat."

Eri watched the monitor where her father was with it giving a closeup to both Izuku and Bakugou. She immediately blew a raspberry at the ash blond prompting her dislike of him. "Daba bo *Pfft*!"

The three in the room stopped for a moment to look at Eri while she continued to gum on her teething ring for everyone to laugh at her discomfort towards the ash blond. "It appears little Eri isn't the greatest fan of Bakugou."

"I don't blame her Recovery Girl. All he's done since we've had her is try and pick fights with her father. Horrible first impressions." Ochako states this while the small child acts like she isn't aware they're talking about her to simply gum the teething ring.

With Izuku and Bakugou

The two got off the bus to their destination with Nana and Toshi staying near the front. They wandered into the area with Izuku attempting to make a plan with Bakugou.

"Kaachan. We need a plan here." Izuku offered for his input for the ash blond to ignore him. "I'm serious right now. We're facing my mom and brother. Two heroes that are or were number 1." Once again, Bakugou remained silent for Izuku to finally lose it and grab him by the collar. "WILL YOU GIVE ME AN ANSWER ALREADY INSTEAD OF BEING A MUTE ASSHOLE!?"


"YOU THINK I LIKE DOING THIS WITH YOU!? I'D RATHER HAVE THE FUCKING PERVERT INSTEAD OF YOU! AT LEAST I CAN USE HIM AS A BAT IF THINGS GO SOUTH!" The two were so caught in their argument that they didn't hear the bell ring and both Nana and Toshi behind them.

"You know your personal problems should've been settled outside." Nana states this before sending Bakugou flying into the air with a punch to the gut. Izuku prepared himself for a fight before getting a Texas Smash to the stomach by Toshi and sent a distance.

"Might've overdone it a bit."

"I think you overdo things a lot sometimes."

Bakugou came back up from his fall to see he was near a power grid in the city. "Fucking old hag is gonna die-"

"You're angry at me. That's good. That means you'll come at me with intent to kill." Nana floated beside Bakugou for him to attempt to blast her.

"DIIEEE!" She moved out of the way for him to try again. "DIIEE!" Once again this happened for the ash blond to begin blasting wherever he could to try and get her for Nana to keep dodging.

"Sometimes I wonder what some people saw in you. You have an amazing quirk and you do give it your all, but that ego of yours needs to go if you'll ever win at anything."

"SHUT UP YOU FUCKING HAG!" Bakugou tried to blast Nana again for him to only be grabbed by the hair and slammed into the ground.

"Lessons are still lessons even if they're learned the hard way. Today, I'm going to drill into your skull the fact that you can't always win alone. This is a similar lesson you and Izuku have failed to learn for the most part."

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