Never Bring a Knife to a Lightning Fight

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Izuku didn't know what his mother saw in the old man who was apparently close friends with her, he had never even known of the man his entire life so he wondered how close of friends they actually were to never have even heard of the geezer. Despite this, if his mother is friends with this geezer so he couldn't be that bad, can he? Well the fact that he snores at an inhuman volume, his dentures seem to levitate over his mouth when he does so, he has a tendency to smack people with his cane and wont let Izuku text his wives without making some off hand comment about Deku's generation overusing cell phones, Izuku was starting to get annoyed. As the bullet train speeds through the countryside, Izuku sneaks off and away from Gran Torino to finally get some alone time to text Ochako and Momo. He scrambles to slide the bathroom door shut on the train then slides the latch to say occupied before breathing a sigh of relief having been able to escape the old coot for the time being.

Gran Torino is so gross, he spits when he talks due to his dentures, only eats soft food and tapioca, smacks people with his cane and wont let me be on my phone to text you two. :Izuku

Thicchako: That sounds horrible, our poor Izuku missing the two of us. How about, when we get home from the work studies we spend lots of time together to make up for the days we lost here?

Princess Oppai: I was beginning to think your internship was actually helpful for you, but instead it seems that you're just hanging out with one of your mom's friends and putting up with the old fart.

I miss you two so much. It's been hard to sleep at night without you two in my arms. :Izuku

Thicchako: Don't worry Izuku, we'll see you again soon. We have to go though, Gunhead is bringing us to Hosu for a Patrol later today and we have to leave now or else we will miss the train.

Princess Oppai: We'll say Hi to Iida for you while we're there as well.

How did you know I was gonna say, say hi to Iida for me?: Izuku

Princess Oppai: For me to know and you not to find out. Love you Izuku.

Have Fun you two.: Izuku

Izuku had gotten out of the bathroom to walk back towards Gran Torino. While sitting down, he gains a smack to the head by the pro hero. "What was that for?" "For using your phone in the bathroom ya brat." "Is it wrong that I just want to talk to my wives for five minutes without having to hear a lecture about my generation being glued to my phone?" Izuku obtained another smack to the head for this question. "You've got a hundred and thirty years before you should even think you get the right to talk back to me you little brat. In my day, the younger respected their elderly and listened to them without restraint." Izuku sat there to listen to the elderly hero rant while looking back at his text history. He began to notice that he hasn't yet obtained a reply from Iida. 'Weird. He normally texts back within minutes of reading it.' Izuku thinks this while seeing the 'read' caption near his message.

Before he could think more about the situation, the train immediately came to a stop to send some passengers out of their seats. Izuku would've gone right into the seat in front of him if he didn't use his quirk to act as a repelling magnet. "We apologize for the sudden halt. We will continue again shortly after obtaining authorization to proceed. We thank you for your patience and cooperation." "That would've hurt." "I'll say." Gran Torino says this calmly in his seat without even moving an inch. "HOW ARE YOU STILL IN YOUR SEAT WHEN EVERYONE ELSE WENT A MILE!?" Before everyone could fully recover, a giant hole came through the section of the train the electric quirk user and the elderly pro was in for everyone to look towards the impact. At the other side of the hole laid a pro hero in pain. 'He must've been why we stopped.' Izuku was going to walk over to make sure the pro was alright before a green monstrosity that had it's brain open for everyone to see came into the train.

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