Work Study Madness

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Izuku stood outside a dilapidated building after reading the directions to where he was meant to go. "Toshi did give me accurate directions, right?" He glanced at the building amazed it was standing to begin with, let alone someone actually living inside. 'I'm kinda scared this building's gonna cave in on me the second I go inside.' The young electric quirk user let a deep sigh out before walking towards the door. "Nothing's going to happen as long as I'm just standing around. I can debate this all I want, but that won't change anything too significantly." The young boy opened the door to absolute darkness inside. 'Why do I feel like someone gave me directions to this place just so they can pull my leg.' "Hello? Is anyone here? My name is Izuku Shimura and I'm looking for a Gran Torino. Is he here?" Izuku kept walking inside before feeling something slick on the bottom of his shoes.Once he looked down, he saw an older man face first in a red liquid.

Once he looked down, he saw an older man face first in a red liquid

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"AHH! HE'S DEAD!" "Actually, I'm alive."

"AHH! HE'S ALIVE! Wait, how is that scary?" The elderly man got up to pat the dirt off himself to show an outfit

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"AHH! HE'S ALIVE! Wait, how is that scary?" The elderly man got up to pat the dirt off himself to show an outfit. "Sorry about the trouble. I was making a snack of sausage and ketchup before tripping and falling." "Uhh, ok. Anyway, my name is Izuku Shimura from UA. My hero name is Silberstrom." The man walked over to the couch before plopping down on it. "Nice to meet ya Silberstrom....You remind me of someone." "Probably either my brother or mom." "What?" "I said 'Probably my Brother or my Mom!" "What?!" "I SAID!" "Gee sonny there's no need to shout." "You senile old coot." Izuku mutters this sentence to himself but is smacked in the head by the older man's wooden cane. "I heard that you whipper snapper." He scolds. "THEN WHY COULDN'T YOU HEAR WHEN I'M TALKING ABOUT MOM OR TOSHI!?" "What's your point?" Izuku facepalmed himself knowing he's being played by a man half his size and easily three times his age.

"Anyway, I saw that little fiasco at the Sports Festival. Mind showing me your version of OFA?" 'FINALLY! We get to the reason I'm here!' "You can change in the other room." Izuku went back to change into his costume while preparing himself mentally. When he returned, Gran Torino surprised him with a hit to the torso similar to if he was hit by a jet propelled pistol. "You're not that quick off the prowl, are you kid?" Izuku regained his composure to send a punch towards the elderly man. This ended with the jet propelled man pulling back to show a stopwatch. "Three minutes. If you can land a hit on me in that time, you win. If not, you pay for dinner." The electric user smirked while activating OFA in his body. "Oh, you are an old timer." Izuku came directly at Gran Torino for him to jump up and avoid the punch. He jumped from wall to wall before slamming Izuku in the back. Trying to counter, Izuku came at Gran Torino for him to dodge yet again. 'I'm not gonna get anywhere if he keeps dodging like that. I need to think of how he's doing that.' Izuku paid close attention to the elderly man's movements to notice that they seem to be limited for some reason. 'He waits a few moments. So there has to be some form of limitation.'

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