Inspect Your Home

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"I can do that!"

With those words in mind, the teenage Dalmatian rang the bell.


But then he started to get worried.

"What if it's a bad idea? What if Dolly told them? What if..."

Dylan was taken out of his panic attack when he saw the door open, and what he saw left him momentarily confused.

Dimitri 3 had opened the door, wearing camo shorts, white tank top and his collar. But what really caught Dylan's attention was the fact that he was wearing big black round-rimmed glasses, which were the same size and shape as the spots around his eyes.

He looked a little embarrassed to see Dylan, his cheeks slightly flushed and avoiding eye contact.

"H-Hello, D-Dylan." The pup said, embarrassed. He then opened the door wider and stood aside for Dylan to enter. "Welcome home."

"Hi, Dimitri 3." Dylan promptly entered and raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the pup's behavior. "Are you okay? You look a little uncomfortable."

He closed the door, leaned his back against the wall and then lowered his head, looking at the floor with his arms crossed behind his back and moving his toes.

"I-I don't really like to be s-seen wearing glasses, but I couldn't find the box with my contact lenses."

Dylan smiled sympathetically, placing a hand on Dimitri 3's shoulder and making the pup look at him.

"You don't need to be ashamed of wearing glasses. Besides, your glasses suit you."

The pup smiled slightly, his tail wagging slowly.

Dylan was feeling well. Helping Dimitri 3 with his insecurities seemed natural to him, as he would with his siblings.

Soon, Doug appeared, smiling happily at the sight of the teen Dalmatian.

"Dylan! Glad you came!"

The teenager looked at his future stepfather carefully, being a little surprised by what he saw.

Doug was wearing a shirt similar to the one he wore during their dinner, but blue, with shorts and sandals.

"He really likes to dress like someone on vacation." He removed his hand from Dimitri 3's shoulder, extending his hand to Doug. "Good afternoon, Doug. Sorry if I made you wait."

Doug looked a little confused for a moment, but accepted Dylan's handshake, smiling gently.

"Don't worry, son." The adult Dalmatian then yawned, stretching his arms. "I'm on the dawn shift this week, so I actually just woke up."

Dylan couldn't say whether it was something he thought of or a slip-up because he just woke up, but hearing Doug call him son was a really strange thing.

And for some reason he couldn't explain, his tail wagged when he heard that.

Doug then looked at Dimitri 3, raising an eyebrow.

"D3, where are the others? The rooms were empty and there was no one in the kitchen."

The pup's eyes widened when he realized that his father was confused.

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