...Or You Can Call It WOW

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With a long yawn, Dylan woke up, ready to start the day.

After getting out of bed, taking care not to wake up his roommates, who seemed to be sleeping peacefully in their beds, he stretched and started doing his morning exercises before heading to the bathroom.

Still a little sleepy, Dylan felt that something felt different, but he wasn't quite sure what.


Suddenly, Dylan thought he heard a strange voice, but after looking around, the Dalmatian didn't see anyone else in the hallway.

With one eyebrow raised, Dylan continued his journey to the bathroom, still a little suspicious.

Upon reaching the bathroom, Dylan went to the sink, ready to brush his teeth, when he noticed something.

For some reason, he was now shorter than the sink.

This left the young Dalmatian quite confused, and Dylan then tried to scratch his head.

But as he tried to do so, he noticed a strange sensation as he tried to move his fingers, which felt even stranger.

Slowly and apprehensively, Dylan lowered his arm to look at his hand, shocked by what he saw.


Dylan had paws.

The Dalmatian fell back to the ground, and was even more horrified when he finally noticed the rest of his body.

Dylan was smaller now, apart from being a quadrupedal dog and only wearing the collar around his neck. His fingers were small, thick and close together, with claws in a cylindrical shape.


The young Dalmatian once again thought he heard a voice, and just like before, he saw no one else nearby.

"W-Who s-said that?"

Dylan began to hyperventilate, panic building inside him.

Wait... is he...

The young dalmatian couldn't take it any longer and left the bathroom, running wildly through the house.

Dylan couldn't understand what was going on, but whatever it was, all he could think about was panic running.

He went down the flight of stairs and kept running downstairs, so desperate that he didn't notice one of the doors open and someone coming out just as Dylan was about to walk through that door.

"WHAT THE HECK!?" A familiar voice exclaimed in surprise.

Due to Dylan's speed, the two of them rolled across the floor, and the young Dalmatian found himself lying on the floor, quite sore and next to whom he had knocked over.

"Ugh... Where are you going in such a hurry, slobberface?"

Dylan's eyes widened, and with some fear, he looked at whoever was beside him.

Next to Dylan was another four-legged dog, who was struggling to get up. The other dog had a more delicate and slender body, as well as wearing three party-style collars around her neck. And after shaking her head, the other dog looked at Dylan with an unmistakable expression of anger on her face.


At first, "Dolly" observed Dylan angrily, but soon she looked worried.

"Hey, are you okay? You look terrified of something."

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