Epilogue: What Does the Future Hold?

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At the end of the notes, an announcement about the sequence

Obs.: If the text looks like this, it means that the speaker is on a video recording


"HeHeHe. It brings back memories." Dolly exclaimed, a nostalgic smile on her face.

Dylan chuckled, himself also remembering the last time they were here together.

It was a winter morning, and the two were at the Winter Funderland ice cream parlor, sitting across from each other as they shared a special sundae for couples with lots of colorful heart-shaped toppings.

Although they weren't sharing the same sundae this time (Delilah was furious when she discovered that Dylan had disobeyed her and ingested what she considers a sugary monstrosity), the feeling they were having spending their birthday together was basically the same.

For the two young dogs in love, there was nothing better than a moment like this, in which they were alone and enjoying each other's company.

After swallowing some more ice cream, Dylan pondered whether or not to ask his girlfriend/distant cousin/step sister something.

Something he couldn't help thinking about, and that meant bringing up a subject they avoided broaching.

After taking a deep breath, Dylan looked at her and decided to continue.

"I know you want to avoid talking about our grandfather Hauser, but I've been thinking... And well... Have you thought about what to do with your share of the inheritance?"

Dolly was taken aback by the question.

Although Dolly was able to accept Hauser's role in her life, she avoided thinking about the deceased dalmatian, as well as the inheritance she will receive.

After swallowing the ice cream, Dolly looked at Dylan with a raised eyebrow.

"And why are you asking about it?"

Dylan looked away, smiling with embarrassment.

"Well, I know it's not really your style to plan, but considering the rules to receive money, I think it would be good to plan for the future."

Although Dylan's words were full of caution, Dolly was quite hesitant.

The girl leaned back in her chair, putting her arms behind her head and looking up as she pondered.

A few days after the huge commotion Hauser caused, while virtually all media attention was on Hunter after he revealed his identity and publicly exposed how ashamed he is of the legacy of his family, Dylan, Dolly, their parents and some of their siblings were called to the reading of Hauser's will.

And that day was definitely unforgettable.


TWO MONTHS AGO . . . _________________________________________________________________________________________

It was a quiet afternoon in London, but not for those present in a meeting room of a major law firm, where the atmosphere was quite tense.

The room was quite spacious and had a large rectangular meeting table, which had ten chairs on both of the two larger sides and two chairs on one of the smaller sides, while on the other side there was a chair a little further away next to a wooden furniture with wheels on the base centered on that side.

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