Too Proud To Tell You I Was Wrong

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What's up, guys?

I know I said I wouldn't have another chapter before the end of the month, but I took some time and finished a chapter that was almost done.

This chapter picks up right where the last one ended





Dolly was totally petrified, staring at the Border Collie girl like she was seeing a ghost.

Patch then approached the girl, placing a hand on her shoulder as he looked at Dolly and the others.

"Kids, this is Summer, Scott's daughter. And Summer, these are Doug's pups, my new grandchildren."

Summer then smiled kindly, her head slightly tilted and her free hand making a peace sign as she smiled and winked with one eye, in a gesture that made her look cute like an anime girl.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all. I'm a good friend to Dylan and the others, so I hope we can get along too."

The others were excited to meet a friend of their other siblings, while Dolly was overcome with fear and remorse, her mind wandering to the past.


ONE YEAR AND FIVE MONTHS AGO . . . _________________________________________________________________________________________

Dolly skated slowly through one of Candem's shopping areas, an expression of pure boredom on her face as she took in the names of the stores.

"Where is this stupid store?"

It was early April, and she and her siblings were on spring break. Normally this would be the perfect day to take everyone to the park since Doug would be with them all day, but she was in a really bad mood today, and as everyone around her was getting more and more annoyed, Dante suggested she pick up a package for him in a game store.

Dolly only accepted because she couldn't tell her family the nature of her moodiness as it involved her secret boyfriend.

Today both her father and Dylan's mother would have the day off, and she wanted to spend the whole day with him. For the past few weeks she'd been willing to talk about introducing the families, or maybe at least telling their respective families they were dating.

However, Dylan said his grandfather would be visiting his daughter and grandchildren today from early morning until dinner.

After walking some more, Dolly arrived at the store where Dante made his order.

The store was inside a small shopping mall, next to a modest food court.

The girl then clipped the skateboard to the straps of the backpack she was carrying on her back and as soon as she arrived at the cashier, Dolly presented Dante's receipt and paid for the order, which consisted of a joystick customized to be black with white spots.

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