Now There's No Turning Back

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Well, here we are.

This is the last official chapter of the 1st part of the Spotty World saga, with the next one being an epilogue and my final notes for this part.



As he walked down a hallway, Hunter De Vil couldn't stop thinking about what happened.

After the sudden explosion that occurred about half an hour ago, the firefighters had a lot of work to put out the fire, and occasionally some fireworks still went up in the sky.

After the medical team declared that Hunter, Deepak, and Diesel were physically fine, the old pointer Tibbs, who seemed to be in charge of the entire operation, left a maremma sheepdog in charge while he and a beagle accompanied the three rescued "hostages" to MI-K9's headquarters.

During the ride, Hunter was trying to make sense of what happened, while Deepak tried to comfort Diesel, who was hugging the older pup as he cried.

After the brief trip, the three accompanied the agents through the building, and if it weren't for the fact that Hunter was still impacted by what happened, he would probably be excited to be inside a government building with restricted access.

The agents took them to a door, which was opened by the beagle, and when they entered, the three boys were greeted by a real crowd.

Inside a meeting room with a large table, were almost all the members of the Dalmatian family who lived in London (Dylan must still be in the hospital, but Dolly's absence was not clear), as well as Natalie, her husband Oliver, and the couple's children, Toby and Agatha.

The other dalmatians lunged towards Deepak and Diesel, though to everyone's surprise Agatha moved in a flash and pounced on Deepak to hug him, nearly knocking both of them off their feet.

Despite the brief moment of surprise, the other pups promptly continued and created a huge group hug, practically drowning Deepak and Diesel with affection, while Toby stayed close by, pretending to be disinterested but with a glint of joy in his eyes.

Hunter felt a little jealous, but it didn't last long as Natalie also enveloped him in a strong hug, showing that she and her daughter were quite alike.

"Oh, Hunter! I was so worried!"

The boy was surprised for a moment, but then returned the hug while smiling.

"I missed you too, Natalie."

This was a very touching moment, however, Doug and Delilah looked at the agents seriously, while Oliver looked extremely worried.

"What happened?" Delilah asked.

"We were told there was an explosion." Doug added.

"D-Did you manage to stop Mr.Quaid?" The cat asked, looking from one agent to the other.

The questions from the three adults got the attention of the others, and while Deepak and Diesel looked downcast, everyone else looked at the agents.

McGregor looked away, his face showing deep discomfort, while Tibbs looked grief-stricken and took a deep breath.

"Shortly after we confirmed the boys were safe, the factory exploded." This caused a lot of wide eyes, and Tibbs soon continued. "(sigh) I got a call from the field team on our way here, and after putting out the fire, the firefighters found a charred body near what appears to be the bomb's detonator."

Spotty World I - My Stepdad's Daughter Was My Ex-GirlfriendWhere stories live. Discover now