Nice Day For A Walk In The Park

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One of the sections in this chapter is slightly different. I like to specify a character so I don't have to explain the parts with thoughts, but the third section will have thoughts from multiple characters.





"That's ridiculous!" Delgado exclaimed, looking down with fury. "Why can't I use my wheelchair?"

The puppy was sitting on Dante's shoulders, with Dante's neck between his thighs and holding his ears as he would hold the handlebars of a bicycle.

Dante just rolled his eyes, smiling wryly. While carrying Delgado he held Dee Dee's hand with one hand and her skateboard with the other, DJ coming close behind with Delgado's sports wheelchair.

"We both know that the minute I put you in the chair you will run at full speed."

"I won't do that!"

Dante just looked up with a raised eyebrow and a smug smile, making Delgado blush and look away.

It was a Saturday morning, and Dante was taking the siblings to the park. Dolly once again did not want to leave the house, and although Doug was off today, he left early to solve something that only Dante, Dylan, Dolly and Dimitri 3 knew, asking them to keep secret.

"I still can't believe he asked Dylan for this."

They soon arrived at the south entrance to the park, and Dante smiled at what he saw.

In front of the gate were Delilah and almost all of her children, all apparently happy that Dante and his siblings arrived. Delilah carried a large picnic basket and Dawkins a slightly smaller cooler, and Dizzy was right next to Delilah, carrying a first aid bag.

But what most caught the attention of the inverted Dalmatian was Da Vinci's personalized shirt. She was wearing a white shirt with a large misshapen pink stain, which reminded Dante of the ink spots that psychiatrists use in the movies.

The others were dressed the same as they were on Saturday, with the exception of Dizzy, who was wearing a shirt similar to the one she wore the other day, but with the colors of the shirt and the spiral reversed, and wearing shorts instead of pants. She also wore roller skates on her paws and was wearing protective gear, and her black helmet was decorated with several spirals in her two shades of blue.

"You finally arrived." Dawkins said, smiling. He then looked at Dante closely and raised an eyebrow. "You look tired."

"We woke up late." Dante replied, letting go of Dee Dee's hand and handing over her skateboard. "Dad left early and Dolly turned off our alarm clocks so no one would wake her up today." He and DJ then put Delgado in the wheelchair, and to Dante's surprise he was calm instead of running at top speed. "And where are Dylan and Deepak?"

"Dylan wanted to have some "Dylan time" and left alone." Dawkins said, making quotation marks with his fingers. "And Deepak wanted to take advantage of the fact that there would be no one else at home to spend the day meditating."

Dante was a little curious to know what Dawkins was talking about, but Dee Dee ended up talking first.

"What's Dylan time?" The puppy asked, her head slightly tilted.

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