Just Thoughts....

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                  Grace was tired of him, his eyes dancing in her thoughts . It had been a week since her birthday and he was stuck in her mind, his eyes ,the way he stared at her and his mysterious face which was hidden with a mask. She wanted to know who he was. She had never been this curious about anything, especially anyone but he stayed in her thoughts and invaded her mind that made her feel exhausted. 

She had tried to distract herself from doing anything . She had cooked cookies, baked cakes but then the dark chocolate had reminded her of his eyes. She prepared special meals which would consume her time more but she never felt like eating. She cleaned the entire house even though it was already cleaned but still he was frequently coming into her mind. She read a book which she had never done in her life , but the lines didn't process to her head as he was disrupting her mind.

Joseph didn't ask nor tell her anything after observing her being frustrated. When she cooked he thought maybe she was bored and felt like eating it and never questioned her why she was cooking more than usual. When she cleaned the house he didn't question her . When he saw her with a book in her hand sitting in the lonely chair at the corner of the small library he had created in their home. He was rather surprised to know that she was reading. But he didn't question her anything as he wanted grace to do anything she wanted until it was not out of the line.

Today again she had finished all the daily chores and sat outside in a garden with a cup of coffee in her hand. It was late afternoon, she hadn't ate her lunch yet and thought to fill her stomach with just a coffee. She was again thinking about him, 'who he could be.?' and 'why he was staring at her' even though it was her first time seeing someone like him. By his attire and the way he was, she was sure he was not a native. She guessed he was Asian but she couldn't think of a specific country for where he belonged.

She sighed heavily and took a last sip of her coffee, she got up and returned to the kitchen to wash the mug and return it to its original place. She wanted something that could relax her, as she was thinking, She knew it was the best for her to relax her mind.

She rushed to her room to get herself dressed so that as soon as  joseph returned she could inform him and head out. She picked a white jeans with a white plain tee and took a ivory colored coat and came downstairs. She took her wallet that had a few cards and her cell phone which she never used unless she had to call her brother, while emergency situations occurred. She sat at the corner of one of the sofa's and waited for him.

After half an hour she heard his footsteps nearing the front door and stood up. As soon as Joseph entered he stopped in his track as if he was frozen, but his eyes took her in. It was a rare sight for him, Grace never waited for him like that when he would return from work in the evening. Either she would be in the kitchen preparing meals or she would be in the garden gazing at sky or watering the flowers.

"I am going out for shopping, i was waiting for yuh so that i could inform before going out." Grace spoke looking at her wallet and held out a hand for him to give her the car keys. 

" Is something bothering yuh..?"Joseph asked her, getting concerned.

"Nothing, i was just bored. Dinner is ready, its in the fridge just heat it up a bit when you are hungry, I will come home before dinner time. If just in case i am late, don't wait up for me ." Grace looked at him still holding her hand waiting for the key.

"Okay, be safe . Call me if anything comes up." Joseph replied dropping the car keys in her hand. Knowing she wouldn't call him whatever the situation was. He understood something was bothering her but didn't ask as she wont tell him the reason. He knew shopping was the only thing she would do when she wanted to relax. Grace would go out for shopping once every 3 months, but the only thing he felt bad was she didn't buy anything to herself. She would just buy a few new curtains , few things for home and a bundle of shirts for him , all in the shades he would like.

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