Black Abode...

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                           JIMIn parked his black Aventador in front of his place and stepped out into the evening air. he lifted his head up to the sky and took the fresh air in, the ashy evening sky was placed in front of his eyes once he opened it. He always loved this time of the day where the sky looked ashy black once the sun was disappeared and the air which felt as lonely as him even though it smelled fresh.

He turned around to look at his abode , his Black Abode which was waiting for him, standing tall. Even though it looked so good and so rich to others eyes only he knew how lonely he was once inside. He sighed closing his eyes and started to take the steps to his front door.

Opening the door it revealed his peaceful place where he stayed everyday. Walking to the kitchen he removed his mask and left it to stay on the counter, turning around he stopped in front of his fridge ,took out a bottle of water and gulped it within seconds. While closing the fridge door he roamed his eyes on all the racks noticing only a few fruits , few bottles of juice and dozen of milk packs. It was so empty like always except a few things. Closing the door he turned around to find a packet of Ramen in the cupboards.

Within minutes Ramen was placed in front of him, he ate it silently without any thoughts in his mind and without any emotion in his heart as always. Few minutes later, Placing the empty bowl in the sink he turned around to head towards his room , passing a few rooms on the way . He stood in front of a room for a few seconds staring at his hand placed on the door knob thinking whether he should enter inside or just pass by.

He sighed and retrieved his hand and started taking steps towards his room which were just a few steps away from the place he was standing. 

He took off his clothes and changed into his night attire. Which was a simple black tee and a grey sweats as usual. After dumping his used clothes in the laundry basket , he sat on his bed turning off the light switch which was on the wall near his bed , allowing only the bed lamp to provide a few rays to lighten the room.

He stared outside the window which was opposite to his bed, it was dark outside like the interior of his room, like his entire house. He liked black since he was a kid , for which he didn't know the reason but as he grew up he understood why he liked black . He thought the color just sufficed his whole life, like his past, like his present, like him

Taking a gulp from the glass of water placed on his night table , he shrinked inside his blanket and placed his head on a soft pillow which he slept on every night. Closing his eyes , he left his thoughts to roam around the things he did on that day. Every day he thought about everything before drifting off to sleep. He had different thoughts everyday but today was different.

Today was so much different because his thoughts were roaming around only one thing, only one thing that made his heart beat faster. Her Black eyes , the way it glowed when she smiled. Her pink rosy cheeks , which looked so squishy. Her silky black hair , which would be smooth to run his hands through. And finally her lips , which looked sultry....

He cracked open his eyes stopping his train of thoughts about her, he needed to stop it. He needed to stop thinking about her, complimenting her features in his mind and to guess how she would look if she was sitting near him. And first and foremost he needed to stop Liking her , feeling for her and Loving he did few years ago.

He Hated to live alone, to stay alone in his home which was made for a few more lives to live in. He had lots of money but no one to spend it on, he had a stylish car but no one to ride with, he was handsome and smart but no one to compliment him on his features. And a pure heart which could love someone more than a millennium but there was no one he could give his love to...except one person he was thinking at that right moment. But he knew it would be wrong wrong to steal someone away from the one she belonged to.

He just wished there would be someone who was there for him, to take care of him and who wanted to love him like no one else did but he prayed that someone would be her who wanted to live the rest of her life with him...for him...  


Just wanted to give yuh lovelies a short note of how Jimin's life was...there's so much more to come in ...stay tuned my dear ones...

Stay happy, Thank you..💜
With Love,

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