Crib of Memories...

16 3 4

I don't like

The MEMORies...

Because the tears comes easily.

And once again I break my promise,

To myself for this day.

It's a constant battle...

A war between

Remembering                                               and                                              Forgetting....


The tiredness from the long flight had faded away as he took in the view of Seoul. It was just the way it was like once he had seen years ago, except for the people walking around. The Seoul once he knew was bright and happy and even today it looked the same if it wasn't for the hatred radiating through his heart.

All the memories flashed back in front of his eyes, like an express train. Just as the memories came back more and more. His anger grew more and more and he didn't know how to suppress it. But thankfully the person he was waiting for arrived at the airport to ride him home.

Sungwoon walked as fast as he could and engulfed Jimin in a hug. Without a protest Jimin hugged him, patting his back gently. 

"How have you been, Ji?" Sungwoon asked him backing away and taking away his bag.

"Good." Jimin replied with his face blank.

Sungwoon smiled lightly knowing he wouldn't recieve anymore question or talks from his EX and decided to keep quiet. He turned around and motioned Jimin to walk with him to the car. Throughout the ride there was no words spoken, only the silence lingered.

Being startled suddenly by the change of route. Jimin turned to face Sungwoon and asked with a panic in his voice, "where are you heading to?". Sungwoon simply continued driving without answering his question which fueled his anger more.

"I asked a question Sungwoon, Where are you taking me?" Jimin raised his voice.

"To hospital Jimin, you better meet him now." 

"No. I need to go home first, its no good if I meet him like this."

"Ji, please. You have to meet him whether today or tomorrow it doesn't matter."

"I said take me home, Sungwoon." Jimin said firmly, now staring out of window. His face as plain as white sheet.

"It's the last time I am warning you, Ji. You see him today or there will be no words leaving his mouth tomorrow. He's already drained. The doctors have left no hope. Please listen to me, do not regret later." Sungwoon said, his focus still on the road. He was silently praying for him to accept because he didn't know what else could convince Jimin if not these words.

Thankfully Jimin hummed after a few minutes, saying Sungwoon to ride to the hospital. He really hated it, how situations were suffocating him but there was no other choice other than going along with it. Being the only one left now, he had few responsibilities from which he couldn't run away and he was going to get it done with, as how his brother had taught him.

The car reached the hospital sooner than he thought and Sungwoon parked the vehicle and got out of it before Jimin could even think what to do. He so much wanted to ask Sungwoon to turn the vehicle and drop him off at home but after listening those words and the left out time. He had to meet him now or else he would surely regret it later.

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