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Surely, in a distant place you are waiting (for me)

Coming for me,

to fetch me

Wherever our tomorrow takes us

Time will pass by tediously



Leaving all the things happened earlier. Jimin was now back in the car, not even spearing a glance at the person driving. He was not arrogant nor was he wanted to treat his EX badly. It's just that his life was turning into a more complicated one and he had no time to think about how to treat the one person who was taking care of him very dearly.

whatever may happen Jimin for surely knew that Sungwoon would never leave him, that too now when he was back in Seoul after many years. Even though Jimin wanted to erase all the memories and the relationship they had he knew he couldn't. If he had the opportunity to do it, he wouldn't. Because that were the best days of his life. Who would want to erase the best moments of their life, just because it didn't end well it didn't mean they had to leave it all behind.

Jimin had moved on from him, way too back but Sungwoon hadn't and Jimin knew it very well. But he just pretended not to- so that no awkward environment would form between them. Whatever it had happened and ruined them they didn't forget that they were best friends in the first place.

 The time may not be appropriate but Sungwoon wanted to keep Jimin safe and happy for the time being. He wanted to make him smile again and bring back that baby Jimin who would giggle and laugh all the time no matter what the circumstances were. Sungwoon was never the person to give up and now he was not giving up too. He just needed to try harder and he knew he would do it.

Jimin was always the happy one in their relationship and now seeing him like this made Sungwoon feel lot worse than he already was. The glow in Jimin's eyes, the blush in his cheeks and that beautiful smile had vanished into thin air. And after meeting his grandfather Jimin looked drained and fragile but Sungwoon knew he was trying to hold up his cold boy attitude to cover up that weak heart.

Nodding a thanks to the security near the gate, Sungwoon entered the big gates and parked the car infront of the mansion. Jimin hadn't even noticed that they had reached the place and was still zoned out looking at the scenery. 

A gentle hand on his shoulder brought him back to reality and he flinched slightly, bringing upon a frown on Sungwoon' s face. Getting off first Sungwoon helped Jimin out of the car and jogged to the back of the car to get his luggage from the trunk. Before he even returned Jimin was already infront of the large wooden door, waiting like a small kid.

He had lifted his fisted hand to knock on the door, but was stopped by Sungwoon who was staring sadly at him. It made Sungwoon's heart squeeze knowing Jimin had forgotten again that there was no one inside who would open the door even if Jimin knocked all day. Giving him a gentle smile, Sungwoon picked up the key from his jacket pocket and opened the door. Reminding Jimin of what had happened and making him face the cruel reality.

Sungwoon had walked inside and left the luggage near the couch sitting elegantly in the middle of the huge livin room. He turned behind seeing that Jimin was still standing outside infront of the door in the exact same position. 

Jimin was hiding it all. He was trying way too harder to stay stronger infront of the person who Loved him still the same. HE didn't wanted to cry. he didn't wanted to break down. He shouldn't but the memories came back hitting him right in the face leading his eyes to fill up with tears. The pain he had felt came back again making him feel it ten times more. He wanted to run away from this house. He wanted to run away from all the memories it held and atlast he wanted to run away from the reality which he hadn't accepted yet.

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