Blue Rose...

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I'm in a castle
standing in a tower,
looking down through a window
at the beautiful garden,
the sun setting in the distance.
The beauty in the moment
brings tears to my eyes.
Sky blue pink,
the backdrop for
roses in ever color
blooming in the garden...


Ever since Jimin left, all grace could think of was him and nothing else. She felt so lonely than any other moment in her life, even more than when her sister died. It was hard to deal with it but grace had nothing else to do in his whole huge black abode. 

It had been two days and she already wanted Jimin back. Just so she could just be with him. she didn't wanted to do anything extravagant with him but to just let him be by her side. When he was there next to her all felt perfect, even the silence which always accompanied them. 

Grace literally had no stuff to do except for sleeping, having food and cleaning a bit for a while. It started suffocating her. she knew she could go out and roam but she didn't wanted to spend a single penny from Jimin's card. She thought she didn't had the right to use it even though he himself had said her to just do whatever she wanted.

Now, it was in the afternoon- the sun rays falling brightly on her skin through the ceiling glass above the couch. The television infront of her was switched on and left unused. She was in no mood to watch anything. Just laying there, she started wrecking her brain and thought of what else she could do as all her few works were done already. 

She needed to do something so that her mind wouldn't take her back to the past few months of all the chaos. The past was now meant to be left behind and she knew she had to do it before Jimin would be back. She wanted to become the independent strong Grace her sister had always taught her to be.

After staring blankly at the ceiling, she stood up from the couch and decided to take a look at the house as she hadn't still seen all of it. There was never any necessary nor had she been curious about it. All the time Jimin was there to get her whatever she wanted and except for knowing her own room and Jimin's she didn't had the need to know it all.

Now being the perfect time, she started climbing the stairs and reached Jimin's room. It was exactly the same way how she had seen it the first time. The dark grey walls and his comfy bed. Everything was just like him. Mysterious yet classy. As there was no interesting things in his room. She decided to step out and locked the door. Just as she was retrieving towards the stairs, her attention was drawn to the room opposite to Jimin's.

She remembered how she had fainted the first night by just seeing Jimin coming out of the room. She felt so embarrassed later on but all the blame was on the thunder and her weak heart. Wanting to see what was inside the room she slowly took steps towards the door and reached her hand out to turn the knob.

But it was locked.

confused and disappointed, with a frown on her face. Grace turned it once again but flinched hard when the whole house echoed with the door bell. Holding her hands close to her heart, she calmed herself down and ran down the stairs to welcome the person on the other side of the door.

Opening the door, Grace felt a slight disappointment as it was not Jimin who was standing there but his friend Vikanksh. She so badly wished it was Jimin as she was losing her patience bit by bit.

Vikanksh just gave her a smile before extending his hand for her to take the bag he had carried all the way along just because Jimin had said him. He knew he couldn't deny whatever Jimin  said, he knew Jimin adored Grace. And he knew Jimin was waitin for her since many years. There was nothing but her which thankfully had Jimin moving on and living till now. And Vikanksh was smart enough not to ruin that and become a victim for Jimin's anger later on.

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