Blue Rose::#2

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The footsteps yuh led me into

Just takes me to a deeper dark.

All the words yuh whispered

Just flew thru to my heart.

Blue rose is nothing but a flame of mystery....

The songs that reminisced yua voice

Just still can be heard .

All the lyrics felt so sad but

Just now does it make sense.

Blue rose is nothing but a flame of mystery...

The huge place is not just a place but

Just they don't know.

Even if I keep hiding it

Just I know it wont be longer.

Blue rose is nothing but a flame of mystery....


Books... Grace loved books. The only desire she ever had were for books. All her life the only thing that kept her sane were those bundle of words inside a bunch of pages. Reading those characters hidden inside the story, was making her life a bit peaceful. But after her life took a turn two and half years past, living with the novelist himself, made her love for the books fade away a bit by bit.

But now seeing the interesting room full of books made her heart flutter and her eyes twinkle. She felt like meeting her first love after a long time. The whole room felt eerie but mesmerizing. Roaming her eyes at her surroundings, she slowly walked towards the row of books and stood there gazing with all the love in the world flowing out of her eyes.

There were so many books....countless books that took all the space in the room. And she couldn't decide where to look at. Her slender fingers touched the edge hard covers of the novels sitting from floor to roof.

seconds turned into minutes and she was still staring at all these lovely volume of novels. All the memories came back to her like a new set of breeze which had the same feeling. Recalling all the novels she had read, made her heart hammer inside her chest. 

Sometimes reading heals people and it was always the only thing that healed her in the past. Every time when she wanted to escape from reality, she read books. Every time she missed her sister when she was away, she read books. Every time she was tired of life, she read books but after the death of her sister and getting into living together with her brother had killed her desire and passion for books. But now feeling the books with her fingertips and as the scent of books reached her nostrils, it made her heart content and her lips to curl into a smile.

Among all those bundle of books, a single one piqued her attention and she walked towards it instantly. She had never seen a book like that. even if only the edge of the book was visible, she still liked it the moment her eyes landed on it. Slowly pulling it out of the rack, she held it firmly- her fingers grazing the hard cover of the book. But what intrigued her more was the title of the book--

"The Blue ROSE..." 

The whole cover was black, only the title of the book printed in italic with blue ink and a cute little heart lock sitting at the right edge. Which suited perfectly for the title itself. It was so simple yet so mysterious. The glossy letters felt so good on her fingertips, and she was dying to know what was written inside the hard covers. But what irked her interest more was, no author name was printed any where on the cover and she wondered where the key was to open the book.

It looked like someone's personal diary but it seemed like a novel at the same time.

Thinking for a minute, she thought it may be somewhere in the rack, right where the book had sat few minutes ago. Seeing at the empty place where the book was, she roamed her hands once, not trusting her eyesight. But it was nowhere. 

Now that she had decided to know the details in the book, she wanted to open it no matter what or how hard it would be to find the key. She thought to search it in the same rack by moving all the books which sat around the empty space. But still it was nowhere. Just as she thought to move on from the place, a small drawer under the rack caught her eye. Feeling the key might be inside the drawer, Grace reached out to it. 

The Moment she opened it, a loud noise blew out in the entire room. She jerked back, bringing her hands to her chest where her heart started beating rapidly. It was a voice, A voice of someone singing- a male voice to be precise.

The more the voice reached her ears, the more fear started to settle in her heart. She knew this voice, she had heard it before- she could recognize it but she just was not able to grasp to whom it belonged. It was coming from upstairs, where the spiral stairs would lead to. 

Who was singing it? Was someone staying there at that moment? Who might be there? or Was it just a recording but who played it? All these questions started to pop up in her mind. And she was getting more and more scared as the seconds passed.

 After listening for a few seconds she guessed the language he was singing in...

It was Japanese....A very clear Japanese and his pronunciation was so good that she wondered he might be a native from japan. But the song and the tune was really familiar to her. She had heard it before. "Where have I listened this voice before?" She questioned herself.

The more time she spent there. The more she sweat and the more her heart picked up the rate of her heartbeat. 

The song reaching the end made her more nervous as his voice was getting louder. And suddenly the music stopped, she looked up once without knowing what to do. She wanted to run away but still her curiousness was not letting her do that. 

Finding all the courage in the world, Grace took a step forward but a gasp left her lips when the voice started singing again without any music accompanying him. She relapsed when a thud was heard similar to the sound of a door opening. She was trembling at this point.

And as the exact line reached her ears. Grace recognized the voice, she recognized whom it belonged to.

"Taemin-oppa..." Her lips trembled and her throat started to dry.

As once again he sang the same exact lines, her knees felt weak and she started feeling dizzy...

Within next second before she could process what was happening, Grace passed out and fell on the floor with a thud. The book she was holding lying beside her, still locked....

"I dont wanna say Goodbye...



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2022 ⏰

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