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Nature is a petrified magic city....

A film is a petrified fountain of thought....

Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a hu-man soul....


She was petrified, scared and frightened to the level where she couldn't even move a single on of her muscles. Grace was petrified of the nature, even though she loved the green. she was scared of the cruel side of it, like many others. But she had no choice but to endure it for the night, trying to hold on to herself, tightly, hopefully, so that she could still open her eyes the next morning without having to face anything like the moment.

The moment, when again another thunder striked, making her body to shiver mercilessly. She had no choice but to hold on tightly to her own. She wanted to jump out of the comforting and warm bed which was uncomfortable for a while and run to Jimin, who must be sleeping peacefully. She so badly wanted to, but her senses held on to her from making out a fool of herself.

Ignoring all the bad thoughts to the back of her mind, she held tightly onto the black throw blanket and covered herself entirely, sliding more into the mattress, like a protecting shield from any kind of bad things. How much ever she was trying to hold on to the blanket, her body was still shivering without her consent. She had already started to know that it was going to be the sleepless night for her.

Another thunder striked louder than the previous one and Grace decided to call Jimin through the telephone placed on the bedside table. She started to move her hand in the direction of the table but stopped in the process as another thunder stroke.

After a minute, she had reached the table's curvy edge feeling through her fingers and searched for the telephone, finding it difficult to find as her head was still covered safely in warm blanket which was making her sweat, even though it was cold outside. She was just very much scared to remove the blanket, imagining some creepy things would jump right on her from any corner of the room.

Upon battling herself, gaining some little bit of courage, she had slowly removed the blanket from over her head without opening her eyes yet. The moment the cool air touched her sweaty face, she decided to open her eyes cautiously on after another.

The room. She had then turned her gaze to the telephone and took it in her shaking fingers, starting to dial a single number with the other hand, which would connect the call to the one in Jimin's room.

She just had to dial a number, but dropped the phone when the next thunder striked more loudly and the lightening struck making her blind for a moment by just sparing a glance at it. And then....

She couldn't stop herself anymore, without a thought for a single second. She threw the blanket to the side and jumped out of the bed, falling for a second from the edge of the blanket still struck onto her legs. But she kicked the blanket without having the patience to untangle it slowly, and started to run in the direction of the door, throwing it open in a flash and running faster than ever to Jimin's room.

Within a few seconds, without knowing how fast she had ran but she was already standing infront of Jimin's black wooden door of the room, sparing a glance through her shoulder in the direction of dark corridor for every few second . Now she just had to knock a couple of times, for him to wake up and come to protect her.

But she was hesitating , holding her hand behind her, thinking whether to destroy his peaceful sleep . But the heavy rain, flowing outside the window behind her at the corner of the corridor made her want to break through the door into his room and she did knock. She knocked on the wooden door, two times and stood their, sweating profusely shaking impatiently, her rapid heartbeat drumming loudly in her ears, blocking the sound of the heavy rain.

But for another minute, there was no response from the other side of the door, from Jimin. Again she knocked on the door, heavily for a couple of times and was hoping Jimin to wake up and open the door and it did.

She heard the creaking sound of the door knob and lifted her head, relief coursing through her but then confusion took over her in a second realizing the door infront her eyes was still closed. Just then she heard a foot step behind her and then it registered to her mind that the door which opened was behind her. The one which had scared her previously by just looking at it.

The footsteps were slowly approaching her and she hoped it belonged to Jimin and decided to turn around slowly, regretting her decision the second she did. she saw a boy, similar to the height of Jimin's. And let her hand reach infront of her to hold Jimin's hand but the moment the lightening stuck , her eyes widened, revealing to it that whoever was infront of her was not Jimin.

Atleast not to her eyes...

His features shined through the flashing light from the window for a second and she could see his red lips , his black hair, covering his either side of the face like a black curtain. And finally she saw his eyes, his dark irises knocking the air out of her lungs and making her head feel light.

The next moment she knew was, an agonizing scream leaving her mouth and her eyes losing the capacity to stay open. And she let it take over, she let the blackness take over her and fell to her side hoping to meet the hard floor and a pain to shoot through her muscles...

But she felt a pair of arms, his arms holding her right at the moment before she ended upfalling to the floor. He reached her, holding her close to his chest and she saw him, she saw those dark chocolaty eyes which screamed safety to her and she let her eyes close before realizing that...It was Jimin but he looked so unlike him.

His features were shining from the light provided through the window located at the corner of the corridor....and that he wasn't wearing a mask... Jimin wasn't...


Sorry for the late update guys....Its been hectic with online classes and streaming BUTTER...

So yeah here's a new chapter, hope yuh like it and....

the story is getting Interested....i am sure yuh have no idea who it is...if yuh at all know, let me know that so please don't forget to comment your lovely thoughts and guesses...

DOnt forget to vote...

STream ,STream and keep on STreaming...loveliesss...❣️

Stay healthy, stay happy

Thank you💜💜
With love,

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