Unstoppable Rain...

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                     Rain--A small drops falling over from the sky, to meet its so-called friend , the ground, to moist it, to make the temperature a bit cool, to settle down the weather. 

Who doesn't love Rain? Of course, everyone does. The Water falling in a separate drops yet seem to be one, those fresh feeling they get while watching it sweeping down from the gray coloured sky. Rain is something which can give joyful happiness to someone, which brings a small ray of hope, which makes them a bit more of a peaceful kind. For a few people maybe the rain is the tears, during their cloudiest hours, and the thunder and lightening are the sounds of their heart breaking. It may make them feel sad, feel broken, feel lonely but it still gives them what they need.  A togetherness...

It gives them a so called feeling of Togetherness to make them feel less lonely. It most probably depends on the way they see it, and yet here there's a thought called " The beauty resides in the way you see it." So yes! if they are happy they may feel a bit of joyness blooming in them or if they are sad or unpleased they may feel a bit broken.

  Yet there are few people who doesn't love rain, who hate rain more than anyone, the reason why they hate it depends on their life, their past, their reason that only they know. And there are other kinds who don't even know why they hate it but they absolutely hate it to the point it makes them feel more and more panicked, more anger striking inside their nerves, more unpleasant feeling rising in their delicate hearts.

Grace, who seemed like a strong/brave young lady was one of them. She never knew the reason why she hate the rain but she was absolutely hating it from past many years. It was one of the things which made her get panicked, which made her feel more scary and which brought her courage to crumble bit by bit and at last make her feel - vulnerable.


After gazing at all the interiors of Jimin's living room. Grace was still not satisfied. She wanted more of it, she wanted that new colour, a dark colour which was very unfamiliar but yet familiar to her, to fill her up, to swallow the whole of her. 

They were just so beautiful to anyone's eyes even if it was all black like the dark clouds itself, they would still love it, they would still forget themselves in it, so that it would make their insides churn with a kind of audacity. 

Sometimes yuh need to have a darkness in life- right..?.  Just so you could feel the happiness of falling deep into the ocean where you couldn't even realize who you are.

Upon seeing at the wall clock and realizing it was already Seven in the evening. Yes! it was already 7'o clock in the evening. They both had spent, actually Grace alone had spent two whole hours by just looking at the living room, the kitchen and her room. Which was on the second floor whereas Jimin's was on the first floor with another room adjacent to his.

The second floor consisted a long corridor leading to the only room in that floor with a balcony and nothing else..

So grace was now going to stay alone in her room, the only room in the second floor. she was not at all scared, atleast thats what she wanted to believe for herself. 

She was never scared only when there was someone with her. Even though she never wanted any neighbors. She never said she would stay alone in her home. So if you, the one reading this have misunderstood her statement, it was not her fault. 

Grace was scared. Every human being had something they were scared of and even she had one. 

DARKNEss, thunders and rain, actually a heavy rain which would splash upon the ground like a whipping sound. Grace was scared of these things, more than anything else.

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