Chapter 1

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Graduation. It was a time that you'd been waiting upon since your arrival at Madame Devereux's Academy. It was one for the exceptionally gifted that your father put you forward for after Hogwarts. Meanings behind certain things were always important to you even from being a child, your inquisition was quite unmatched.

The dorms were in need of a fresh lick of paint and a change in decor not that you cared for this was your home. Your safe space. Where you'd spent three years studying towards your dream. Your room was quite an open space that of which you shared with three other young ladies. It consisted of four beds each with fresh white linen and plump pillows. Each frame was a four poster with creme coloured drapes. At the rear end of the room, a large glass window that shone light upon the four desks beneath it. Two on the right. Two on the left.

Each desk had a stack of paper, a pot of pens and a small collection of books. Your personal favourites were A History of Magic and also A Witch's Guide to Understanding The Brain which was clearly obvious by how battered the books were during their time with you. Over the period of three years, you'd learnt so much at the academy and you owed it all to Madame Devereux, the headmistress of the Academy. She inspired you with her intelligence and her passion for education. Her fiery spirit filled you with complete wonder as well as her being one of the most talented and gifted witches you'd ever come across. She was spectacular.

It was time for one of your evening lectures. Evening lectures weren't something you particularly enjoyed due to the fact you'd usually relax at night normally with a few candles and reflect on your day. Mindfulness and manifestation had become a huge part of your life as it motivated you to try harder, do better and achieve your goals which was all you ever wanted. The lecture was being run by Headmistress Devereux herself which made you slightly more hopeful as she normally ran the more informative and interesting sessions which you enjoyed.

Your desk in particular had a mirror that you'd attached to the back of it. You styled your hair in a sleek low bun and put on your rounded glasses with the emerald frame. The ones in which flickers of gold ran through them. Uniform at the Academy wasn't as strict as it was at Hogwarts. Each student was given a dark robe embroided with the logo however, underneath you were allowed to wear whatever as long as it was deemed acceptable. This was one of the things you loved most. The Academy allowed each individual that studied there to express themselves and find their own identity.

Despite this, you still dressed quite traditional with a blouse, skirt and heels to matched. Once you were ready, you left the dorm to head downstairs to the main lounge area where the lecture was scheduled to be held. Walking down the spirally staircase, there were countless portraits of previous headmasters and headmistresses that took their place proudly on the walls. With a pen and notepad in one hand ready to make notes on the various different things you'd be learning, you reached the lounge area where a few girls had already began to gather.

At the front of the room stood the headmistress in all her glory. She was quite a tall woman. Made taller only by the heeled boots she was wearing. Her hair cut in a bob with a marvellous hat that sat on the top of her head. You took your place at the back of the room waiting for the session to begin as the room began to fill.

"Good evening ladies" said the Headmistress, looking down at you all. "Todays session will be a little different than usual. Only students that are studying the History of the Brain are required. That involves students who are learning psychology." Around 12 girls sighed and proceeded to leave the room whilst you stayed seated. "Now everyone required is here we shall begin" she said, as she walked over to the back of the room near to where you were sitting and picked up a large stack of files and began handing them out.

"By order of the Ministry, each student studying psychology has been requested to research a random case file. Some more dangerous than others. Some more interesting than most" she said, placing one in front of you. "Those of you who can provide an adequate report upon your case study shall be expected to receive a temporary position working at the Ministry in the Department of Mysteries." You opened your case file with complete caution and what you found was completely unexpected.

Bellatrix. Black. Lestrange. Those words only sent chills up your spine. She was one of the most sadistic and evil killers within the Wizarding World. Sentenced to 14 years in Azkaban for despicable crimes against the Longbottom family. She was a woman who you truly feared and definitely did not expect to be studying so close to leaving the academy. Her photo upon the file stared back at you. Her wild hair showing her untameable nature and her dark eyes showing the craziness rooted deep inside of her. This woman was truly something else.

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