Chapter 11

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The utter panic and sickness you felt at that moment was unreal. Guilt and feelings of anxiousness were running along with your thoughts. The Dark Lord was definetely someone you'd heard of and feared. He was 'He who shall not be named' for most to you even, before Bellatrix however you clearly couldn't call him that now. Feelings of betrayal or how disappointed your parents would be when they realised you'd sacrificed everything for love were the thoughts that had the most impact. 

A new coldness fell over and trapped the room. The weather had changed for it was more wild and dangereous - as though it could sense the Dark Lord's prescence. Bellatrix continued to laugh as her eyes became bright with insanity. Suddenly, you both heard a loud bang and before you knew it, the walls to Bellatrix's cell were deteriorating. You wanted to scream out in fear but found yourself paralysed at the thought of there no longer being a wall seperating you and the witch. The breeze hit you both as you stood facing the rocks and sea surrounding Azkaban. Within a few moments, she grabbed your wrist, digging her nails deeper into your skin before you both dissaperated. Everything after that was a blur except for the wild, high-pitched laughter of Bellatrix.

When you opened your eyes, you found yourself in an open room with a roaring fire. Despite how drowsy you felt, you managed to make out a woman near to the fireplace. Her hair was seperated in a half up half downs syle with one part being as dark as coal and the other a pure white. She wore an emerald dress, cinched at the waist, that flowed down to her ankles. Her skin was pale, as if all the colour happiness and light had left her face. She walked over to Bellatrix who had just came into the room and gently kissed her cheek. "Welcome back, Bella" she smiled. Bellatrix smirked. "Always a pleasure, Cissy" she said, before slowly walking towards you. "Well, well, well" she purred, placing her wand and pressing it firmly into your neck. You squirmed under her touch as she pressed deeper and deeper. She then turned to the woman who you'd worked out to be Narcissa Malfoy, sister of Bellatrix Lestrange and wife of Lucius Malfoy. Narcissa radiated light and purity which you liked about her. Her eyes were sad, as though she longed for something else. "Put her with the others" Bellatrix said, coldly. "Wait what?" you panicked. This couldn't be happening. You'd put everything on the line for her.. your job, your career your whole life and she was acting like it was nothing. Like what you shared was nothing.

"I don't have time for silly little girls like you" she snarled, tilting her head as a curl fell on to her cheek which she blew away. She smelt of cigarettes and burning candles which clouded your mind, making you unable to think. Narcissa grabbed your arm and led you down a staircase to what you assumed to be a basement or cellar of some sort. It was a dark and dirty place with huge beams holding the room up above you. It was cold too as you sat, clutching your knees feeling your whole body shake. All you wanted at this moment in time was to be home in the arms and safety of your family. Minutes felt like hours and the hours felt like days. You felt yourself drifting in and out of consciousness for it had been days since you'd last ate or even drank anything. 

Then, a door at the top of the stairs swung open. You peered up, your eyes stinging at the sensitivity of the light after being in darkness for so long. You stumbled over towards the light, underestimating your own weakness as you felt weighed down due to the lack of energy you were now experiencing. "Y/N?" a voice called, coldy. You hesitated to answer before you croaked a small yes. The figure then came down the staircase and grabbed you roughly by your arm, dragging you upwards before throwing you on the floor. You gasped in shock before attempting to stand then falling to the floor to which the whole room jeered. Looking up, you saw a table with approximately twelve faces on either side and a haunting figure at the head, stood. You instantly knew who this was.

"It appears that Miss Y/N L/N is not as pathetic as we all assumed" he mocked. Bellatrix cackled. "My lord, what are we going to do with the girl?" she whispered. You couldn't believe how naive you were. How stupid you'd been. You'd studied individuals like Bellatrix for years. How they manipulated and used emotion to get closer to their victims. How they'd use that emotion and that attatchment to their advantage in order to get their own way. Voldermort then left the table and walked towards where you'd collapsed on the floor. You tried with all your might to shuffle backwards, away from the sadistic psychopathic monstrosity that had inflicted pain and fear on so many. "She has, with all given respect, shown great loyalty to me.. to you especially Bellatrix" he said, coldly and with no emotion. Bellatrix smirked in response to her name being called. "Given the circumstances, she's all yours Bellatrix" he said, glancing over to the crazed witch. "Do with her as you will" 



I'll try get the next chapter out asap but focusing on college atm so don't really have an exact date for the next chapter but hopefully it'll be out by next week <3 Anyways, hope you enjoyed this story with our favourite crazy curly-haired psychopath xxxxxxxxx

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