Chapter 2

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You thought it to be some kind of mistake. Surely the Ministry of Magic wouldn't give a young witch like yourself the task of depicting a monster like Bellatrix. You looked around as all the other young girls started to open their case files and to your surprise, not one had anybody as dangerous or as crazy as Bellatrix Lestrange. Most had recieved influential figures within the ministry which to be fair, you wouldn't have minded but no it was just your luck to get the serial killer.

The headmistress then proceeded to stand up and head over to the stand. "You have each been given a case file. Each one different and unique from the other". She was definetly right about that. "You are tasked with researching the mentality behind your case study. This could include regular visits, letters etc whatever you have to do to get the report finished and filed by the end of the term" she said, looking down at you all.

The first thought that came to your head was how in the hell were you going to do that. This woman had been sentenced to fourteen years in azkaban and certainly wasn't going to be let out before the term finished. On that note, you decided to wait behind at the end of the session to have a conversation with the Headmistress about how you were going to go about it.

"Excuse me" you said, running along to catch her on her way out. "Yes Y/N?" she said, peering down at you through her glasses. "I was just wondering about my case study.. I've been given Bellatrix Lestrange and well I don't really know where to begin-" you said, as your words came out at rapid speed.

"Y/N, I can only advise you that the Ministry do not make mistakes. I for one do not make mistakes. You are one of the most talented students at this academy which is why you were selected for this. If there is any issue or if you think this case might be too much for you to handle, I'll reassign you in the morning" She said, cutting you off then proceeding to walk along the corridor expecting you to keep up with her.

"Don't worry I'm completely capable of the assignment but I was just wondering how I was meant to get information on Mrs Lestrange due to the fact she's now in azkaban" you asked, hurrying along after her. "If you speak to the Ministry via the contact number provided on your form, I'm sure something could possibly be arranged" she smiled, as you both headed off in different directions.

You were completely baffled at what she meant by something could be arranged. Did she mean the exchange of letters or phone calls or did she actually mean there may be a possiblity that you'd have to go to Azkaban to visit  Mrs Lestrange herself? Thoughts invaded your mind as you pondered back up the staircase. It was quite late by the time you'd gotten back to your room. Everyone was already asleep when you walked in so you decided that you'd change into some fresh pyjamas, brush your teeth and get into your bed. You pretty much fell asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow as a storm began to form outside.

The room was practically silent except for a few murmers. You began to think about Bellatrix. About everything she'd done. How did a young girl from such a noble family go down such a dark path? How did she commit such despicable acts.. was there a reason for it a reason behind her madness? Or was she just completely evil and it was nothing to do with her genes or upbringing?  That was what you wanted to find out before the term came to an end. About Bellatrix's mindset and how she viewed such situations.

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