Chapter 17

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It wasn't long before you were woken with a sharp knock. As you opened your eyes, you realised that Bella had already left, leaving nothing but her signature scent of roses and cigarettes behind. You sat up and were surpised to notice that you had not noticed nor had the time to appreciate the beauty or the darkness of the room you currently found yourself in. It was completely mesmorising. 

Gently swinging your legs round, the warmth of your naked body was met with a cool breeze. You grabbed the black silk gown that laid screwed on the floor and wrapped it around your body. It clung to your figure like a glove as you fastened it tightly around your waist. As you walked over to the windowsill, you felt the warmth of the sunlight hit your cheeks whilst you glanced downwards into the gardens where Malfoy Manor towered above. The view from Bellatrix Lestrange's room was no different to yours but with it, brought a new sense of feeling and emotion. You could just picture a younger Bellatrix Black running near to the large oak trees that gave way to an open woodland. Her curls flowing freely in the wind as she waited upon her sisters Narcissa and Andromeda as a young Lucius Malfoy followed swiftly behind.

You were lost in the thought of the young sisters playing innocently before blood and marriage drove them apart that you failed to notice Bellatrix had entered the room.  She wrapped her arms around your waist as she held you from behind before resting her head upon your shoulder. The few inches between you both in terms of height made it easy for the woman who was no taller than five foot two to rest her head upon your shoulder. You gasped as she took you into her arms. "What's on your mind my love" she said,softly as her hands ran up your torso stroking around your abdominal area. "What happened with Andromeda?" you asked, instantly regretting the words that escaped your lips. She suddenly went cold, releasing you from her grasp as she turned away. "Nevermind" you said, not wanting to ruin the moment between you. "No" she said, before turning back towards you. "Summer of 1967" she said, as she came closer. "By that very oak tree was where I first performed the Cruciatous Curse" she whispered as she gently ran her fingers across your cheek, following the structure of your face as you closed your eyes - not wanting the moment to end.

"It was my blood traitor of a sister.. Andromeda who fell victim to my wrath" she mumbled, as you took her chisled face and curly locks into your palms. "I fail to see the issue" you said, quietely. "She betrayed and tarnished the Black name by posisoning the bloodline therefore in my opinion, you had every right". A smirk appeared to form in response to your words which suddenly dropped. "I wish Narcissa had your mindset my sweet" she sighed. "Nothing really was ever the same after she ran away".  Something suddenly went inside of you. You felt your insides shatter and your heart crumble as she spoke. The relationship of the Black sisters was clearly far worse than you could ever of imagined and it pained you to see how much she cared but it was comforting at the same time.

"Anyway" she shuddered, trying to diffuse any emotion that was left in the room. "The Dark Lord has requested we both join him downstairs for a meeting and I doubt he'll be impressed if we're late". Bella turned and headed out of the room to which you almost followed her not realising that you were still in the short black lace gown Bellatrix had gave you. You also realised that you had no clothes due to not being in your room which left you with no option but to wander down the hallway back towards your own room in the hope that no one would see you. 

To your disappointment, just before you were about to turn into your bedroom a voice you knew far too well appeared. Lucius Malfoy. His white blonde hair held back with a thin band. The icy grey eyes fiercely staring you down with nothing but judgement. "Well well well Miss Y/N Rosier" he smirked, as you stood there paralysed in complete and utter shock. "Lucius" you nodded, trying to move past him. He glanced over to Bellatrix's bedroom and to his amusement, saw the door was slightly ajar. He then turned back to you again with the same judgemental eyes as before and began to grin. "It appears you've had quite the night Y/N" he said, with his eyes fixed as a smirk began to grow. "Lucius I would much rather we continue this conversation another time or more that we don't discuss my relations at all for that matter" you smiled sarcastically before forcefully shoving your way through until you came to the door. "Oh no Y/N can't be late especially not for the Dark Lord" he grinned as though he knew entirely what this meeting was about.

As soon as you were in the comfort of your own room, you slammed the door. Nobody wound you up like Lucius. He drove you quite mad. You frantically rushed around trying to find something suitable to wear for your first official meeting as a Death Eater and eventually came to the emerald dress you'd taken from Narcissa's wardrobe. This was definitely your favourite piece. It complimented your complexion and felt rich against your skin. You didn't bother much with your hair. Only running a small comb through your wild locks. Makeup was simple. You barely owned anything though you craved the deep red paint that used to sit upon your lips back when you were a student. 

As you reached the room, you took your place at the very same table next to Bellatrix. She smiled, grabbing your hand underneath the table. Voldermort suddenly stood. "There has been word on your sister" he said, with a devilish stare looking directly at Bellatrix and Narcissa who was sat on the other side. Narcissa turned her head in embarassment whereas Bellatrix played along emphasising how repulsed she was to be hearing the blood traitors name. "I heard she married a muggle" he jeered. The whole room roared with laughter emphasising how not only stomach-churning they found this ordeal involving a member from one of the most noble wizarding families but the fact that Narcissa, Bellatrix and Lucius all of whom laughed at the others for their muggle ties and thought they could do no wrong were now the ones that were being looked down upon.

"It has even come to light about the filthy half blooded child that has been on this earth for a number of years now" he said, coldly. You watched Bella's face drop. Narcissa didn't react. She sat there. Silent as a mouse with an emotionless expression. Lucius turned to Narcissa and whispered something into her right ear you wasn't sure what it was but you were positive that it wasn't nice. 'I'm sure you'll have no problem taking care of this Bellatrix?" Voldermort said, looking directly at Bellatrix. "Of course my Lord" she nodded, before gripping Narcissa's wrist.

The meeting was soon dismissed. Within seconds of being given permission to leave, Bellatrix grabbed Narcissa and threw her into the nearest available room. You hurried after her fearful of what she might to Narcissa. Despite not getting off to a good start, Narcissa regardless of who she was related to or what she was involved in was a good person and most likely didn't deserve whatever Bella had in mind.

"Cissy, please tell me you had no idea what he was talking about" she cried. Narcissa remained silent not daring to make eye contact with her sister. "I trusted you Narcissa" she said as her voice began to break in pain. "We have a niece" Narcissa whispered. "A chance at a true family" she said. "How would you know this?" Bella said, raising her brow with a frown only growing. 'Bella I-" Narcissa gasped, before her sister used some sort of curse or enchantment causing her to scream in pain.

"Bella-" you said, running over. "Leave me Y/N" she said, coldly. "Bella stop" Narcissa cried. "I don't even know who you are anymore" she said before running out of the room. "N-not only did she hide the fact that she'd been secretly communicating with Andromeda.. not only did she hide the information that a half-blooded 'Black' had been on the earth for a number of years.. she humiliated me in front of the Dark Lord and that can never be forgiven" she hissed.

You were now not only worried but extremely terrified. Not of Bellatrix but what she might do. She exited the room,  slamming the door behind her and she walked powerfully down the corridor. You hurried after her, grabbing the door without a care for who saw you. "BELLA" you shouted. "I guess Auntie Trix will be paying a visit to her little Muddy" she smirked, before disapperating into a cloud of black smoke. Her madness really couldn't be compared. She was fuelled with rage which made unpredictable nature even more powering.

Hey, thanks for reading and all your support on this story xxx Let me know what you thought <3

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