Chapter 14

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As you opened your eyes, it was morning again. This time - something was different. You felt different inside after your encounter with Bellatrix Lestrange but it was a good type of different - one that brought you a great sense of security and contentment. You assumed it to be around 7AM when you woke due to the positioning of the sun and also, because of the chirping birds that had kindly decided to nestle outside your window - as though they were some sort of alarm.You woke up with nothing on for it was so late and you were so tired last night that you forgot to ask Narcissa if you could have access to her wardrobe until arrangements were to be made for either your clothes to be delivered via owl or an entirely new selection was to be chosen given that Malfoy Manor was now your new home. What you did wonder is how long you would be staying at Malfoy Manor. After all, the crazed curly-haired witch who came from a family of great weath and fortune and was married to someone of great status must have her own home or manor even and couldn't possibly live with her sister, husband and nephew forever could they? It was a question that ran through your mind daily along with the fact you still had no incline into the Dark Lords' wishes or plans for you. Your hair had began to return to its natural wavy state and your skin felt marvelous after all the oils you used. They really were a bit of unexpected magic.

There was a sudden knock at the door. You panicked and grabbed the white coat that had been flung on the floor during your time with Bellatrix and quickly wrapped it round you, fiddling with the string to ensure it was tied tight around your waist. "I'm coming" you called, before walking over to the door and turning the handle. To your surprise, in the hall stood Narcissa Malfoy. Her dress was made of a rich black satin only enhancing her wealth. "Good morning" you smiled, as she frowned, looking down at the spec of dirt that had appeared on the bottom of your coat. Your face quickly dropped as the warm greeting wasn't returned. She turned her head to the table and chairs that stood by the fireplace in your room and nodded towards them as an attempt to indicate where she wanted you both to go. You followed her willingly as she led you back into your room and encouraged you to sit down. You did so gently as did Narcissa before she started to speak.

"As you know Y/N, family well.. family is one of the most beautiful but one of the most restricting objects in an individuals life" said Narcissa, with a slight smile on her face as though she was reminiscing on the past memories made with her own family. "Family can, for some, become an inconvienience but for me Y/N" she said, looking directly at you with a neutral expression. "For me, family is everything. Family is power and the second someone threatens my family, they threaten me" she said, coldly. This was something you wouldn't have expected off of an individual like Narcissa. You'd always taken her - even from your research, to be the more quiet, more laid back lady of the Black household. Her expression didn't change as she waited upon your reply. She didn't blink for a second nor did she take her eyes off you. You knew exactly what she was referring to. The incident that happened involving Lucius and his denial of loyalty to Voldermort.

"I understand" you said, for you needed a favor from Narcissa and you definetely didn't want to get on her bad side for you knew Narcissa was better as an ally rather than an enemy. "I can only offer my greatest apologies if I offended you, your husband or any other member of your family however, in light of recent circumstances I hope you can come to terms with my reasoning for last night" you smiled, as she played with her hands whilst sat, legs crossed, looking up at you. "One must do what they have to" Narcissa said softly, looking away. The woman held great sadness in her eyes as if all the trauma and all of the bad situations she'd witnessed over her years had amounded to something greater than you could ever imagine. A despair that almost made her want to burst. She sat there for a few moments and not a word was said. Then, she stood and walked away. "Narcissa wait" you called, to which she responded by turning her head. "Yes?" she said, looking at you curiously. "I was just wondering if you had anything I could borrow until arrangements are made it looks like I'm staying for now" you laughed, to which Narcissa smiled in response. "Of course my dressing room is just down the hall, third to the left.." she said, before turning down the hall. "Oh and Y/N, Dobby will collect your used clothing and have them returned back to you by tommorow. Just leave them on the floor or something - somewhere easy for him to find" she said, before finally leaving. 

You did wonder how she expected you to make your way to the wardrobe, given how little clothing you had. I mean, with where you were and the people you now found yourself to be living with there was a chance the Dark Lord could possibly decide to walk down that very corridor at the precise moment when you had nothing on. Despite this, you took your chances and headed out of the room in nothing but the white coat  you were wearing when talking with Narcissa. Turning left, you headed down the corridor, like Narcissa had advised and came to a door. It screamed luxury along with elegance so you took this to be the dressing room of Narcissa Malfoy. To your delight, it was. As you opened the door, the room was as classy and as glamorous as you'd ever imagined. It was definetely a room you'd like for yourself for it was one you'd dreamed of having ever since you were tiny. Lights hung from a large rounded mirror that's reflection overlooked a large wardrobe. It was made out of the same type of wood you found in your room but this one was carved with intricate patterns. The handles were golden - carved on each a N and an M - giving you the final confirmation that this indeed was the wardrobe of Narcissa Malfoy nee Black. 

You opened the doors and to your delight, the space was filled to the brim with different silks and fabrics. Dresses. Gowns. Corsets. Everything you could possibly imagine. You were also pleased to discover that you and Narcissa had quite similar taste for there were multiple different shades of green and black. You decided to select a few items or outfits to ensure you had a selection to wear. First, you pulled out a long gown. It flowed to just below your knee with detailed frills on the sleeves and bottom. This was an outfit that not only reflected Narcissa's modesty but also showed the girlie more feminine side to her - one that was rarely shown. Next, was a dark blouse to which you found a leather skirt to match. Sheer tights with different designs were also picked up along with a pair of patent black 100mm heels that you found at the bottom of the wardobe. Once you'd eventually selected everything you needed and they were all in your possession, you headed back to your room and to your delight, the beds had been freshly made as well as a sweet apple and cinnamon aroma that gave the room the homely touch it needed. On your bed, you noticed a brown package. Nothing fancy just a small, brown parcel held together with string that was tied at the top. It read in green lettering TO MISS Y/N ROSIER and was signed off with a B.B.L. You smiled to yourself for you knew exactly who this little parcel was off for the initials made it far too obvious. 


I finished this chapter a few days ago so thought I'd upload in relation to the news thats came to light today🖤 RIP to the beautiful Helen McCrory 🖤 16.4.21 🕊Genuinly so shocked and heartbroken its unbelievable..

21 🕊Genuinly so shocked and heartbroken its unbelievable

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