Chapter 18

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You felt conflicted. The dark cloud of smoke disappeared within seconds of Bellatrix leaving the Manor and it was felt deeply by the whole household once she'd left. Despite feeling anger toward Narcissa yourself, a small piece of the 'old' Y/N Rosier desperately pleading to be released to which you found yourself being led down a corridor then stopping at Narcissa's bedroom to which you found the door slightly ajar. Entering the room, you soon realised that despite being siblings - both of the Black sisters had completely different tastes. Bellatrix clearly had the typical dark aesthetic to her bedroom with dark silk sheets and mahogany furniture whereas Narcissa had a more elegant and lighter touch with impeccably white bedding and prints of culture captured across the walls. Narcissa was sat in the strikingly vibrant emerald armchair which was placed near to the large window which overlooked the gardens in which the Malfoys took great pride in. Next to Narcissa, was a table. Bundles of letters were scattered upon it each one starting the same way and addressed to N. Malfoy herself. You walked towards her slowly, seeing her sore eyes stare back up at you as another tear fell. She didn't speak. Not one word left her lips. You picked up the first of the letters which instantly made you feel nauseous the moment you touched it. It read:

My dear Narcissa,

It has been so long. I hope you are well, happy and healthy and that life is being kind to you. I hold no resentment towards you or towards Bella although I am fearful of what she would do upon discovery of the information I am about to disclose to you. I am with child - a baby girl due this summer.

I adore the name Nymphadora however Ted isn't too sure so we had to comprimise with calling her Dora for short. I am so excited Cissy and I hope that one day our relationship can go back to how it was. I will love you. Always.

All my love,

Andromeda x

Reading the letter, you felt a mix of emotion. Angry that after all this time, Narcissa was in contact with the blood traitor whilst decieiving her sister at the same time. You looked back at Narcissa who had lost all sense of composure and had become completely inconsolable. "Narcissa" you questioned sharply. "Did you stop her?" she said. "Narcissa I-" you stammered. "I asked a question Y/N and I expect an answer. Where is my sister?" she said coldly. "I have no idea" you replied. "Expect the worst that's all she's capable of" Narcissa choked. "How can I expect to become a mother when I am stripping my sister of the chance to become one herself" she said, holding her stomach in her palms. "You're pregnant?" you asked. "Fourteen weeks" she said, coldly. "Already I love this child more than life itself yet my dear sister most likely won't get to see her daughter's seventh birthday" Narcissa said.

It was only now you realised the type of woman Narcissa actually was. Family was the most important to her as you'd discovered during her little confrontation over Lucius upon your first introduction. Her maternal nature was the force that flowed through her. It was a quality that you were positive Bellatrix didn't share not that she wanted to. The old you was slowly rising to the surface no matter how hard you tried to contain it and you were sure that it was due to you being in the presence of Narcissa for far too long.

"I promise you this Narcissa" you said, grabbing on to the woman's slender pale hands. "Nothing will happen to you or the child as long as I'm alive" you whispered, looking directly into her soft brown eyes. "What about Nymphadora.. Andro-." she stammered before you quickly cut her off. "I cannot promise they will both be safe due to not knowing the current situation after all I think we both know how mad Bellatrix is" you said. "However, I will on this occasion do my very best to ensure no harm comes to either Andromeda or Nymphadora. The Muggle however-" you said before Narcissa quickly jumped in. "Do what you will. He stole the relationship I had with my sweet sister and that he shall pay for" Narcissa said as her tone changed.

Apparition was never one of your talents. It was something that similarly to Hogwarts you'd not had the opportunity to practice. However, you wasn't one to break a promise. Grabbing a dark jacket that went down to your thighs, you fastened it at the waist letting it cling to your hips. You hadn't left Malfoy Manor since the breakout from Azkaban except for running around the gardens with Bella so this was new.

You stood, outside the Manor with the letter you'd taken from Narcissa. You imagined Andromeda who Narcissa had described as being a younger more tame version of Bellatrix. You also pictured a young girl no older than six running round laughing and smiling and before you knew it, you were gone.

You found yourself to be outside a rather small cottage. Honeysuckle was growing across the frontal wall with a freshly painted white gate and tiny daisies beneath it. You thought you'd gotten the wrong house. Surely Bella wouldn't leave the pretty little house of her enemy in perfect condition? That was until you heard the bloodcurdling scream of Andromeda Tonks. It ran through you sending chills up your spine. 'Alohomora' you whispered, as the door swung open. A woman with a bundle of light brown messy hair was sat on the floor clutching her knees whilst she rocked backwards and forwards. She bled an ocean through her eyes as her body trembled with chills. This must be Andromeda.

A man lay next to her with a young child directly underneath him. He wasn't moving. "Daddy?" the child cried, trying to get up from beneath him. Her hair was a shade of blue mixed with grey. "Dora" the woman cried, pulling her daughter from underneath the man. He lay there lifeless. Andromeda quickly turned and held her wand to you. "You're one of them aren't you? I've heard about you Y/N You're the psychopath who let my derranged sister out. You're the reason my Teddy is dead" she screamed. "Got the mark too I presume? Wasn't leading Bellatrix right to us enough" she cried. Her voice was filled with a mix of anger and sadness as her emotions took over.

This image of Andromeda clutching on to Nymphadora sobbing whilst she held the cold hand of her husband would never leave your mind. You knew that the second you saw it. Bellatrix had clearly left for you no longer felt her presence in the house. That was when you left. Your soul shattered at what you'd just experienced.

hey besties okay so my apologies for not updating in a while.. i kinda broke my laptop twice and just didn't have the time. im not 100% sure as to what i think of this chapter so please let me know what you all think :) also yes the picture is of 'bellatrix' at the 2021 baftas. pErfEction

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