Chapter 21

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Your interview was scheduled for the following Wednesday. It was easier than you thought. These people were so.. scarily trusting that it didn't take long before you were offered a position. Severus had also put in a good word with Dumbledore and Professor McGonagal about you which led to you soon accepting the title of the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The chambers at Hogwarts were definitely different to the ones at Malfoy Manor. Malfoy Manor was more glamorous and extravagant whereas the ones at Hogwarts had very basic decor and were quite simple. You were to be introduced to your classes the very next day and despite not having a clue what the Dark Lord's plan was, you were feeling amazing.

A few weeks had passed since you'd arrived back at Hogwarts and not only had you not heard a word from the Dark Lord, but nothing off of Bella either. Teaching was not something you enjoyed nor liked in which you'd come to terms with in your very first week. The students drove you insane. The endless marking and preparation now helped you understand as to why Severus was so grouchy all of the time.

It was coming up to the end of term shen you'd finally heard off Bellatrix. A letter had arrived one morning addressed to Professor Rosier and Bella's writing was easily distinguishable.

Dear my Y/N,

It's been so incredibly hard without you. Narcissa lost the baby last week. I hope you can understand why I've been so distant in supporting Cissy as she is truly heartbroken. My nephew Draco I have recently found out, is coming home during the summer and will be starting Hogwarts next term. Do not make yourself known to him. I don't want him telling his father anything about you.
I can also assure you that your position is secure. The previous teacher will not be back.

The Dark Lord has also asked me to make a visit to Hogwarts to ensure that things are running smoothly. Meet me in the second broom cupboard on the third floor at midnight.

Yours always,

This was your first time hearing about Draco Malfoy. You were completely oblivious to the fact that Narcissa and Lucius had a son. Perhaps that's why she acted so strongly about Andromeda and Nymphadora. Nymphadora in fact was now in her last year at Hogwarts and was someone you had been hoping to avoid due to the fear she would remember you. It also hurt hearing about Narcissa and how she'd lost the baby so far on. You knew how excited she'd been for it.. how excited both Lucius and Narcissa were for it given the effort put into the nursery.

"Y/N?" said a stern male voice. You turned your head to see a tallish man who held a head of silver hair. "Professor Slughorn" you smiled, as he cautiously smiled back at you. "Settling in nicely I see" he said, as you held your letter from Bellatrix behind your back, knowing you'd be done for if he discovered what you were hiding. "Oh yes everyone's been so.. welcoming" you said quickly shoving the letter under a pillow. "If you need anything Y/N, just ask" he said, before heading out of the room. You looked up at the large grandfather clock that stood opposing your bed. It was almost about to strike midnight.

You quickly rushed around your room slipping on a silk black nightdress that was laced at the bottom. With your waves tied in a messy bun, you hurried out of the room. It was dark. You weren't exactly sure where you were going. Bellatrix has asked or demanded that you meet her in a broom cupboard on the third floor so that was where you headed first. This floor was restricted to students which you had found odd ever since you'd been a student at Hogwarts yourself. It was full of old and ancient artificats that you'd nevee seen before.

As you stumbled through the darkness, you suddenly felt a sharp tug on your shoulder and felt yourself being flung into another room. You let out a small gasp out of complete shock and despair. "Quiet" a voice hissed. Instantly, both by her scent and voice you knew who it was. Who you'd longed to see for so long. As she came into the light, your heart melted like butter. "Madame Lestrange my my what are you doing back at Hogwarts" you teased, slowly walking over to her as she embraced you into her arms. "Silly witch, I thought I said midnight" she said, coldly despite the smile creeping across her worn face that she waa desperately trying to hide. "I've missed you so much" you said, as she looked down at you running her long, cold fingers through your hair and gently across your forehead. "I guess its been too quiet with you gone" she smiled. 

"How's everything been?" you said, resting your head on her shoulder. "Enough with the chit chat darling no more talking" she said, holding her finger against your pursed lips. Weird feeling but weirdly attractive. You shuffled back as she followed you, knocking over a broom or two as things came clambering down. "Now now what did we say about my pretty little Y/N making noise" Bellatrix taunted. "My apologies" you stammered aa the butterflies inside roamed freely in the pit of your stomach. Her lips met your neck as she kissed roughly, leaving her mark as she moved up it. "Bella, I have to teach tomorro-" you gasped, your mind trying to refrain from the pleasure that was being handed to you. However, your body had other plans. "They need to know your mine Y/N" she said, with each word that rolled from her tongue becoming more sexier than the next. "Every. Single. Inch" she whispered, as you felt tingles run up your spine.

Before you knew it, her hands had crept under the nightdress as you felt them running across your thighs. "So you don't want this?" she smirked, looking at the state you were in. "B-bella please" you gasped, your body overun with pleasure. "W-we can't get caught. T-the Dark Lord's p-plan" you cried, as she gave you what you so desperately desired. "Ah your body says otherwise" she said leaving a trail of soft kisses up your inner thigh. As soon as her tongue made contact with your body, you jolted back feeling instant sparks of electricity running through your veins. Bellatrix pulled you back as you buckled your hips, trying to not let a word move past your lips. You pleaded and begged for her to continue as her tongue swirled around your clit with each murmer you made encouraging her to go faster. The emptiness you felt after leaving Malfoy Manor had soon disappeared. You were home. She was your home. "Your doing so well my baby girl" she whispered, as your legs were soon shaking with the upmost pleasure. "I'm-" you gasped before you were suddenly cut off as two of her fingers slid inside you and were aggressively pumping in and out. This new found pleasure was so indescribable you could barely get any words out let alone sentence. "Fuck Bella I'm gonna-" you cried, before you finally gave in. She really was incredible.

Instead of slowing down the place like you'd expected, she continued inserting a third finger. Your second orgasm built up fast and strong as you felt sensitive to touch. Your mind went completely blank for you was not thinking about the consequences or the outcome of your actions. All you could think about or even focus on was Bellatrix and the pleasure she was delivering to you as you screamed out in delight. "Silenco" she cast. Incredible. There was no other word describe it as your legs became weak as you screamed her name, not caring who could hear you. "Almost there my love" she purred, as you came for the second time experiencing the most powerful orgasm. "Be my good girl and I'll be back before you know it" she said, kissing you gently on the cheek before throwing a black cloak over herself and heading out of the broom cupboard down the third floor corridor.

You lay there amongst brooms and dust a whimpering mess. Out of breath and exhausted. It was extremely late by the time you reached your bed. Your little nightdress was torn - Bella's doing and you were covered in dirt and dust from the cupboard. You lay in your bed thinking about how pleasurable and unreal the last hour or two had been. How that interaction was the last push you needed to fulfill the Dark Lord's wishes, no matter what it took. You were doing it for her.

hi bestfriends, so heres the new chapterrr.. a broom cupboard our bella the romantic <3 speaking of the updates, ill try get them done as often as possible but anyways, let me know what you think <3333

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