Chapter 22

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Term had ended and the holidays had approached quicker than you'd ever imagined. You found yourself pondering down the same halls, puddled at what to do with the free time you had now that the majority of the students at Hogwarts had now gone home for the summer.

Bellatrix had been visiting you regularly to your delight. There were many nights when it was just the two of you - stargazing on the Astronomy Tower late at night without a care in the world. She hated to admit but since meeting you, Bella had softened. Whilst many would see this as a positive, Bella did not for you were now a weakness and a weakness was not what she needed at this moment. There had also been communication from the Dark Lord himself regarding his next move. Bellatrix, the Dark Lord and the Plan were all you thought about day in day out. Every minute. Every hour. Every day. Dreaming about what was going to happen next.

Then, without warning you were suddenly snatched from your daydream by Snape. It was always Snape who without fail ruined your day. "What" you hissed, as you stood in the hall overlooking the students who had not gone home. "My Office. In 5" he snarled as he swung and turned to head down the corridor. "Always one for drama" you sighed, rolling your eyes before swiftly following him. Sev's office was quite far from where yours was. The Potions classroom was stationed in the Dungeons. Now the Dungeons at Hogwarts were somewhere where you avoided going. It was dark. Gloomy. Fitting for an individual rather like Severus Snape but not so much for yourself. You yawned, heading down the corridor.

His door was slightly ajar as you came to it. You heard whispers. Voices. Voices that you barely recognised but still, you knocked. "Severus?" you questioned, before pushing the door open. "Y/N" a voice said coldly. "M-my Lord?" you said, completely in shock. "Whatever brings you here?" you asked, trying to sound confident or somewhat pleased as a stern faced Snape stood in the corner of the room. "It has come to my attention that we need to move quicker" he said. "Harry Potter starts Hogwarts this year and Y/N I would like to make a slight adjustment on what I require you to do in order for our aim to run as smoothly as possible".

"Oh for fucks sake" you thought, as you sat at the desk. A nice break to pay off for all your hard work Y/N dealing with imbeciles like the Weasley twins for MORE THAN A DAY? Clearly not. "I require you to show interest in the boy.. treat him better than the others?" Voldermort said. "Of course my Lord anything you wish" you smiled, gritting your teeth, trying to hide your disappointment that time you were going to spend with Bellatrix was being so cruelly snatched away from you. Once everything was confirmed - he vanished into thin air.

"Severus? May I come in?" a voice said after knocking on the door. "Yes yes" he said, filing a few letters and selecting a fresh bit of parchment from the third drawer and a bottle of green ink. "Ah Professer Snape. Professer Rosier I hope I'm not interrupting anything" Dumbledore said, as his eyes peered down at you through the moon shaped glasses that rested on the tip of his red nose. "Oh no do come on in I was just leaving" you smiled, before heading out of the room.

You headed back toward your post chirping a quick 'Good Evening' to the students you passed on your way. The sky had began to darken as the moon shone through the old glass windows. It was eerily quiet. "Professor Rosier wait-" a voice called as you heard footsteps moving toward you at an alarming rate. You turned your head to discover a young witch. Her hair was deep chestnut with flickers of golden flowing through it. It was tied with a dark red ribbon. She had a pale round face and the softest pools of dark chocolate. "Yes" you questioned, peering down at the girl. "I was just wondering well given I'm taking your class in the upcoming term and I heard from Professor McGonagal about summer classes?" she said.

You were starting to think the universe had magically turned against you. If it wasn't Albus ruining your plans, it was Minerva. "I'm sure something can be arranged" you said, forcing a smile to appear on your lips. "Perfect! I'm Hermione by the way" she said, cheerfully. "Hermione-" you said, praying that you were speaking to a pure blood. "Granger. Hermione Granger" she repeated. Granger wasn't a familiar surname. It definitely wasn't apart of the sacred 28 and you doubted she was half blood. Another example of why the world really hated you today.

Hermione which you hated to admit, was a naturally gifted young witch regardless of her blood purity. Especially for someone who hadn't even started their first year. You introduced her to the basics of the Dark Arts and guided her in different spells whilst being careful to not show her something too extreme. Summer soon came to an end and to no surprise, you had no opportunity to spend any time with Bellatrix or even had any time for yourself.

It was then, before you knew it, September and you were seated along with the other teachers at the table overlooking the eagar first years waiting to be sorted. You recognised Hermione amongst the crowd who was stood next to a young boy with a mop of brown hair and another young boy whom you recognised. Red hair and hand-me-down robes. Definitely a Weasley. Amongst the crowd was another boy you were fairly sure you recognised as he resembled a witch and a wizard that you knew very well indeed. With the same platinum blonde hair and arrogance as his father, Draco Malfoy stood in that very hall with two other young boys in which you presumed to be his friends. How delightful. Lucius Malfoy's devils spawn now roaming the halls of Hogwarts.

Hermione was sorted into Gryffindor as were her friends Ron and the other boy who you now understood to be Harry Potter whom the Dark Lord had asked you to keep a close eye on. Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle were all sorted into the house of Slytherin - your house. Draco smirked to his cronies as soon as the hat hit his head and swaggered over to the Slytherin table. "Now" said Albus Dumbledore, tapping on his glass. "I would like to wish a warm welcome to both our new first year students and those who are returning" he smiled. "And also to our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher Ms Y/N Rosier" he said looking at you before clapping. You noticed now that everyone was staring at you. Particularly Draco. "Now, you may remember Ms Y/N from previous years especially our teachers" be said. "Or more recently the great tragedy experienced in what we can hope will give her all the experience she needs in order to give you the highest quality of teaching in defending yourselves against the Dark Arts"

You nodded as you recieved your applause then sat down and the feat commenced. Roast Chicken. Beef oozing with juices. Fresh Fruit. Pumpkin Pie. Anything you could ever want was there. After tummies were filled, it was time for the rooms to be cleared and the first years to be led to their common rooms. You headed over to the Slytherin common room. It was a fairly large room coated in a brilliant emerald green. Signature serpent banners hung from the roof and overlooked a large glass window that stood over the Forbidden Forest. Armchairs with plump cushions and a rounded table surrounding a roaring fire as the first years sat, chatting excitedly about Hogwarts whilst sharing their timetables.

"Y/N" a voice hissed. "Now who the fuck- " you thought, puzzled. To your surprise it was Draco. "Mr Malfoy, I ask you refer to me.. your professor by my title" you said, coldly. "Don't act so stupid I've heard all about you" he smirked. You suddenly had the urge to launch this brat off of the astronomy tower at the first possible chance. "I don't know what you've heard Mr Malfoy however I can presume that non of it is true" you said, glaring at him. "So you aren't fucking my auntie?" he whispered. You didn't think it to be possible to go as bright as you did then. The shade of crimson your face turned was really quite spectacular. You suddenly shoved him into an open room where no one else was around. "Oh quite right I am" you grinned as he stood there his mouth wide open. "My father will here about this" Draco shouted, angrily. "Oh Draco darling, I'm not scared by your daddy or anyone for that matter. I've dealt with him once already and best believe he knows not to mess with me" you taunted.

"Your just like her" he scowled, looking away from you. "L-like who" you teased. "My bloody aunt" he said. "Hm" you said. "Must be doing something right then" you pouted, enjoying the atmosphere that you were creating. "Psycho" he said, before storming out of the room. How Narcissa could produce something so vulgar and repulsive at the same time? You could already tell that this wasn't going to be an easy year.

hdjejdjd i dont even know what this chapter even is hahahahahaha. anyways draco malfoy slander > also i think im gonna make a few tweaks to the OG Harry Potter story so it fits more with mine but djejeke idk.
ALSO. please leave me any recommendations/improvements in the comments or suggestions for other fanfics
love you all <3

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