Chapter 4

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Over the next few days, all you longed for was a response. A letter. A phone call. Anything that could point you in the direction of gaining more intel on Madame Lestrange.

Watching all the other girls work busily at their cases made you realise how far behind you actually was. One girl had recieved a man called Gilderoy Lockhart, one of the most famous authors within the Wizarding World. Another had gotten a woman called Rita Skeeter. She was an interesting character despite the fact that she was one of the most devious and dirty journalists around who'd do anything for a snippet of information for her article.

Finally, after two whole weeks you finally got a reply. The reply you'd been waiting for since you recieved the file on Bellatrix. It arrived and you'd never been more happy. You went straight to your room and tore straight through the envelope to reveal the letter inside which read:

'Dear Miss Y/N,

I am writing to inform you that a meeting between you and Mrs Bellatrix Lestrange has been arranged for next Tuesday at approximately 2PM. Someone from the Ministry will be in touch to arrange your transportation to and from Azkaban.

You needn't worry. We can assure you that this trip is safe and has been well thought out by our team in London. With Madame Lestrange being the evil and sadistic killer she is known to be, four of our very best will escort you from Madame Devereux's Acadamy of Excellence to Lestrange's cell.

Thankyou for your contribution to our studies.

Yours sincerely,
The Ministry of Magic

You initially didn't know how to act. You thought that by contact you'd be exchanging letters or calls with Mrs Lestrange. Not be meeting her face to face in Askaban of all places. Although they assured that this meeting was completely safe, Bellatrix, Rodolphus and Barty Crouch Jr had managed to use one of the most unforgivable curses on a pair of innocent Aurors leaving a defenceless child to be raised an orphan.

However, this was for your career. Everything you dreamed of from being a little girl came down to this moment. Could you sacrifice everything you had worked so hard for simply because you were afraid of one woman. The Ministry had ensured that you would be protected and you trusted the Headmistress with your life. She always  had your best interests at heart. On the other hand, what did you have to lose?

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