Chapter 10

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This wasn't going to be easy. You knew this wasn't going to be easy and if you knew how hard it was going to be originally to break one of the most evil, psychotic killers out of Azkaban, maybe you wouldn't have even attempted it in the first place. You had most definetely grown somewhat fond of the women.. you could say you even liked her. Walking down the halls back to your room, your mind was completely swarmed with thoughts about the possible ways you were going to get Bellatrix out of Azkaban. An explosion? Possibly not. Bribe the dementors? Too risky. You came to the conclusion that there were no possible ways in which you could break her out without there being any risks. Even being in Azkaban alone was risky.

The halls seemed a lot wider than before as if the Academy was reflecting your worry and indecisiveness. It was as though that this decision could possible change everything. Your future. Your status. Your relationships. Literally everything. It most definetly wasn't one of the most thought out decisions or one of the right ones but it felt right and that was all that mattered. You needed to know her and to be able to delve deeper into her personality whilst also finding yourself falling in love with her weird quirks and insanity. Somewhere in there, was a good person and you were sure of it.

Once you got to your room, you stood near to the windowsill by the desks looking out over the forests and woodlands, questioning your whole life up to this very moment. You were a talented, dreamy and gifted young witch who was about to 'throw it all away' as Father would say. For a woman who you were undeniably in love with, but who'd taken so many innocent lives that many were unsure whether she was actually worthy of forgiveness. You knew that if you did this there was no coming back. No future at the Ministry. No degree. You'd be deemed as powerless in the eyes of the Ministry, falling in love with one of the most evil, untamable psychopaths known to the Wizarding World. However, wasn't love the most powerful force of all?

The decision was final. You'd coincidentally 'forget' to leave the door to her cell unlocked and proceed to exit. Before leaving, possibly break down the wall on the furthest side of the prison but the one nearest to her cell and hope for the best. At this moment in time, that's all you could do.. wait until Tuesday came around and manage to get all of your affairs in order before you left because it was clear to you now that you most definetely wouldn't be returning. If you'd of asked yourself at the start of the term on where you'd see yourself after finals, this definetely wasn't what you'd imagined. The whole experience from being selected to work on an important case to Bellatrix Lestrange herself had completely changed you regardless of if it was for better or for worse. You felt like a different person.. a person who most definetly could not stay at an Academy that promoted light magic and control. Control over power that you so desperately desired. You were sure Bellatrix loved you or had some sort of feelings towards you. Despite her rough, hard exterior, you were sure that underneath the curls and the dirt there was a woman who was also fond of you too and that your feelings were mutual. You had full confidence that she would protect you even give you a place to stay after the breakout. However, there was a small but growing doubt in the back of your mind. Was she just using you to manipulate you.. to use you as a scape goat out of azkaban. I mean, if that was the case.. would she care if you got caught?

All of this was playing over and over in your head. Whether to trust your head or your heart. However, the attatchment you felt towards her was indescrible. A weird feeling.. one you'd never felt so strongly before. It was intense and one you felt you couldn't let to of, regardless of what was at risk.
Tuesday came quickly as you got ready for your last trip to Azkaban.

Walking down those halls for the very last time, you questioned everything. Why the hell you were doing this for instance. There was no going back. Why you'd had to fall and grow completely attached to a sadistic killer? There was no answer for that. Butterflies swirled in your tummy as you walked down the long corridors of Azkban. Bundles of nervousness with a hint of excitement taking over. You entered down and sat at the table, thinking about how you were going to approach the matter.
Then, you recalled one of your first meetings with Madame Lestrange. How she spoke to you softly in a language so different but so beautiful. How, hardly anyone understood this wonderful but perculiar language. It was too risky. Anyone could decipher what you were saying. Hopefully a simple sound-proofing enchantment would do the trick.

"Madame Lestrange?" you said, as she sat directly opposite you clutching her wrist. "Is everything quite alright?" you said, before she looked up at you and started laughing hysterically before presenting her wrist. It showed a mark that ran from beneath her palm until it finished a quatre of the way down her arm. With a skull at the top surrounded by a python, it truly made you shudder. This was something dark. A sign of allegiance to one of the darkest most powerful wizards arguably of all time. There appeared to be some sort of reaction spreading across her arm. As though the burning was giving her a deep sense of satisfaction and pleasure at time went on. "Anyway' you said. 'I'm here to inform you that today will be our last session however it will not be the last time we will be seeing one another if you can gather what I'm implying" you smiled. "And what exactly are you implying, pet?" she purred, looking up at you with a devilish smile. 

"Well, to put it briefly I'd be your dear psychiatrist at another given location possibly by next week" you squeeked, with a shakey, nervous undertone completely taking over.  Suddenly, as though something had became alive in her, she started looking over to the left wall then back at you and started laughing with a huge smirk growing across her face."He's coming Y/N" she said, stroking the mark that you'd noticed has start to move. The wind blew and the dreaded sea smashed against the rocks. "W-who's coming? No ones coming?" you said, a growing fear looming in the pit of your stomach whilst you started to panic. "The Dark Lord has risen" she said, laughing with glimmers of craziness encapsulating her eyes. "He's back"


Hey, hope you all enjoyed this chapter <3 Pls let me know what you think  xxxx

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