Chapter 24

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One thing for certain was there was a war coming. You all knew it and you could  all feel it. Voldermort's power was simply growingu by the day and Bellatrix had become increasingly
protective of you.

"I know your as mad as me now" she smiled. "Oh I could never, Crazy" you giggled, as she playfully but quite forcefully hit you on the arm. "Careful love" she purred. You were so madly in love with her it was insane. Blinded by the fact that she was quite mad. The age difference made her even more protective. Even more scarily brilliant.

The funny thing was she was right. Right about the war. Right about most things. Everything seemed so much more real. Bellatrix kept hold of you and wouldn't let you out of her grasp. She was worried you see. You made her vulnerable.

"Y/N, meeting in 5 darling" Narcissa called from the corridor. "Coming" you replied, twisting your curls into a bun that rested behind your head. "Let it down" a familiar voice purred. You smirked. "You look awfully irresistible that way sweet girl" she grinned, kissing up your neck as you felt the small hairs stand up on your back. "You know best" you grinned, letting them fall down your back. "Perfect" she whispered. "I'm ever so lucky" she replied softly, before kissing you gently on your lips completely oblivious to the fact you were wearing the deepest red lipstick.

She left before you could find the words to tell her. You laughed to yourself. Bellatrix certainly wasn't fond of the feeling of humiliation and she would definitely make you feel it. You headed downstairs to where the meetings took place, wearing a figure hugging black silk dress and laced up heels. You felt eyes on you as you walked in. It had been months now since you'd joined Voldemort.

You noticed the whole room smirking as Bella sat, completely unaware as to what they were laughing at. "Care to enlighten me?" she snapped, as the room fell silent. You rubbed your cheek, so that she could see and suddenly she knew and turned a wonderful shade of raspberry. "How dare you make fun?" She snarled to the man directly across from her still laughing. "How dare you try to humiliate the Black heiress in her own home"

"Oh fuck" you thought. Her eyes were simply widening with madness. Her pupils had dialated immensely. "My apologies Madame Lestrange" he said, holding his head down. "Calm down Bells" Narcissa whispered, grabbing her hand. However, Bella showed no remorse or no signs off stopping. "Crucio" she screeched, as the room erupted in both shock and laughter as the man rolled around on the hard stone floor, crying out in pain.

"Enough" Voldemort said, coldly as the curly haired witch fell back into her seat and the man eventually stopped squirming. "Now let me be very clear.. we do not have room for ANYONE who shows signs of weakness on our team" he snarled, before drawing his wand. "AVADA KEDAVRA" he shouted, as green sparks flew out of his wand and hit the unconscious man that lay. "Bellatrix.. control your temper" he said, before making eye contact with everyone at the table.

"Harry Potter only grows stronger by the minute.. we need to act now." He said, coldly. "Has anyone got any information? Rosier?" He said, as your face dropped. "The boy has become increasingly close to Mr Ronald Bilius Weasley, pureblood" you said, rolling your eyes. "And to Miss Hermione Jean Granger... Muggleborn" you said, calmly as the whole room started to wretch. "I believe it is planned for him to be moved tonight" you said, before looking across to Bellatrix who weirdly gave you the 'proud mum' look.

"Thank you Y/N" he said. "It appears at least some of us know how to get the job done" he said, looking directly at Lucius as you sat there smugly. "I've heard differently my Lord.. intel from the Ministry suggests the boy isn't to be moved till next week" Yaxley stated. You felt all eyes fall back upon you. "Whilst that may seem to be true" you said, coldly looking directly over to him. "unless you have heard discussions from the Potter boy himself confirming the fact he will indeed be moved tonight, then I suggest you never question my intelligence or my ability to obtain information".

Bellatrix smirked as Yaxley looked down. "Bellatrix, Y/N and Severus" he called, as the room broke up to leave. "I need to see the three of you"

You waited behind as Bella whispered in your ear. "Tricky tricky Bunny" she purred. "I don't know if I should reward you for your little badass moment or to torment you because of that little stunt you pulled earlier" she whispered, her nails digging into your skin, drawing blood. It weirdly felt good.

"Oh" you gasped. "Like it?" she grinned. "My my you do have some peculiar kinks Dr Rosier" she whispered. "Stop it" you hissed, as the Dark Lord turned around. "But you don't really want me to stop now do you?" she whispered, placing an air kiss on your neck. "So" he said, as you managed to wriggle out of her grasp. "Potter has discovered about the Horcruxes" he said. "He plans to destroy them and if he succeeds in doing so, this puts us as equals therefore making me vulnerable to attack" he said as Bellatrix gasped and Severus looked away. "What ever can we do, My Lord" she said, with a slight empathetic tone. "It has become clear you and Y/N have become increasingly close" He said, looking directly at the pair of you. You blushed whilst Bellatrix smirked. "Therefore, it only seems fitting that the two of you team up" He said, as you instantly felt relieved before he handed you a piece of parchment.

"Every horcrux you need to find" he said, as Bellatrix stared, her eyes widening. "Find it and bring it back" he said. "You'll leave first thing tomorrow and Severus, you'll be leading the operation for the attack on the Potter boy this evening" he said. This was it. A new mission with the love of your life. Was it dangerous sending two of the craziest, deranged bitches to take back the things that could determine the outcome or this war? Probably but that didn't matter. It could either go brilliantly or be a total disaster.

"Oh I did make a mess didn't I?" she grinned, at the sight of your back which was now stained red. "Mhm" you rolled your eyes, as you packed your case. There was hardly any colour in your case. Pretty much every bit of clothing you and Bellatrix owned was the darkest shade of black. You smiled to yourself. It would be nice to get away - to have some time alone. Away from Malfoy Manor, away from the War between Voldemort and Harry Potter even if you were still doing tasks.

You cuddled into her, your head resting upon her chest. As her curls fell on to your face, to which you responded by blowing them away. She was much softer at this time. In public, she never showed affection and always upheld her tough exterior. However when alone, with you, she was much more relaxed and calm. You saw a side to her no one else did. Her hands ran up your arms and up your thighs gently. She knew how anxious you'd been over the past weeks and knew that this calmed you.

"Goodnight sweet girl" she whispered, as her scent of burnt out cigarettes and roses infiltrated your senses and made you at ease. "Goodnight my love" you replied, kissing her ever so gently on her frown which changed quickly to a smile.

So sorry for how long it's been. I completely forgot that Wattpad existed for a short while as my notifications were turned off. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll try make them more frequent. Please do let me know what you think down below - it means a lot <3
Have the best Halloween xxxxx
- Lyds xxx

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