Chapter 15

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The parcel was neatly wrapped and sat at the bottom of the bed. As soon as you entered the room, you tore through the brown paper to discover a gown made only of the finest silk. It was detailed with lace at the bottom, coming just above your knees. On the left hand side near to the breast, was a small pocket with a large R in a fancy font, with your first initial in the middle. The gown was purely black which only made it easier to confirm who'd sent you this gift.

It was really quite a convienience to you, given that you'd not had chance to grab any nightwear from Narcissa's wardrobe. You immediately slipped the dark silk piece on - the material gave a cooling sensation which you felt as soon as the garment hit your skin. "I see you've found my little gift?" a woman purred. You gasped and quickly turned your head to the doorframe where the famous witch - her locks as wild as ever, her thin lips pursed as her heavy lidded eyes stared directly at you. Flashbacks from the night before had suddenly took over your thoughts causing you to lose the ability to speak. "Be down and dressed within the hour - the Dark Lord has asked to see you" she whispered, with a devilish smile on her face due to the discomfort she'd caused. "Of course" you smiled, before allowing a relieved sigh to escape after Bellatrix exited. The control this woman had over you was definetely something you hadn't experienced before. You were always used to being in control.

You decided to wear the blouse and skirt you'd pulled from Narcissa's wardrobe for your meeting with the Dark Lord as well as the sheer tights and patent black heels. Once you were ready, you snook back into Narcissa's dressing room in attempt to comb through your dark locks with a brush you found upon her dresser. You didn't currently posess any makeup to your dismay not that you needed it for the rich oils had worked a treat on your skin making it look more softer and more dewy than ever before. Once you were eventually ready, you headed in the same direction that Bellatrix had taken and walked down the hall until you came to the room known as the 'Death Eater Headquaters". You felt powerful as you walked across the room as 12 faces stared up at you including those of Narcissa, Bellatrix and Lucius. As your heels hit the floor like they did in Azkaban, you walked across the stone floor of Malfoy Manor, feeling the prescence of Voldermort before even making eye contact.

"Ah, I see Ms Rosier has accepted our invitation.. do come there's a place been set" said Voldermort. He was possibly one of the scariest figures you'd ever seen. Something that probably would've appeared in your nightmares when you were younger. His face was deformed for he had no nose and barely any eyelids. His skin was pale - almost translucent with visable veins present on the forehead. His eyes were dark - soulless even and there was virtually no colour that rested within his cheeks. Instead, the colour that should've been on his face was in his teeth and you dreaded to think of what infestation happened to be going on in there. You took your place at the table, directly opposing Bellatrix who smirked at you whilst you sat there - your insides almost eating you up. Lucius was glancing at you or I should say staring - trying to uncover the surface of you and what you were about. Not that you noticed of course or gave him the satisfaction for those were some of the typical traits you expected from a narcissist like Lucius. Lack of empathy, arrogance and the excessive urge for admiration. Those were just a few words to describe Lucius Malfoy as the manipulative individual he was.

Voldermort sat for a few moments then began to address his followers as they sat anticipating his next move "Well my friends, it appears we have a new member" he said, as the whole room jeered. "However, all being said, Ms Rosier is not one of us officially despite proving her loyalty when aiding the escape of Barty Crouch Jr and Bellatrix, Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange" he said, sternly. You avoided eye contact with the room at all cost, staring up at the giant chandelier that hung from the middle of the room. You knew where this was going to go which was what made you the most nervous. Narcissa and Bellatrix, despite being sisters, were giving off very different signals. Narcissa was giving the 'you don't have to do this Y/N stay strong' kind of vibe whereas Bella.. Bellatrix was giving the 'do it for me' look without being verbal. And that. That in itself was more powerful and had a greater impact than the influence Narcissa could ever have over you.

Snape completely avoided eye contact with you which was hard. He was always someone you'd admired. Someone you'd trusted back at Hogwarts since the first time you stepped off the Express. It was quite disheartening to see a man who once held all the glory, the power and the magic within to be cowering most likely out of fear to a man or creature who only cared about himself and inflicting pain and cruelty on others. "Severus, you know what to do" said the Dark Lord quietly but with confidence. Severus Snape rose from his seat then made his way to where you were sitting. He avoided looking into your eyes dreading the emotions and the feeling that could possibly overtake him if he did so. Without hesitation, he grabbed your left arm and held his wand to the part of the forearm where Bellatrix held her mark. Although you most likely predicted what was going to happen and you had come to terms with it, you still reacted in the same way any young woman from a good and pure noble background would have. "No please I don't want this" you cried, as Bellatrix's smirk quickly turned to a frown as did the other deatheaters. "It appears that Miss Y/N Rosier has an issue with joining us my friends" he jeered, as you sat there shaking. "However, despite the silliness of the girl I am positive that our Carrow twins will have no trouble in convincing Miss Rosier that she would be very and I mean very foolish to go against us after everything we've built and everything we hope to achieve" he said, quite coldy this time. 

You turned your head to where the Carrow twins were sat. Amycus and Alecto. Known for their anti-muggle ways and their excellence in the Dark Arts and Duelling - the Carrow twins were highly skilled. Brother and Sister who not only shared a birthday but the same placid skin tone and mousey brown hair. Alecto Carrow was a stocky, little woman with stubby fingers. She was, like her twin brother a sadistic individual who's greatest pleasure was inflicting cruelty, pain and torture upon others. Truthfully, all you wanted to do was scream. You knew that becoming a death eater wasn't right. Despite everything - your love for Bellatrix and the passion you both shared it wasn't an option no matter how easy it would be. It wasn't long before you had been dragged away from the table by the Twins. You felt nothing but numbness as you felt your head bounce against the hard stone floor. You felt all the eyes in the room staring at you in particular Bellatrix and Narcissa's. Both women shared a sad, solemn expression. Bellatrix tried to conceal hers but Narcissa didn't. Her big brown eyes showed her maternal urge and empathy. 

As the faces watching you grew smaller, you were taken into a medium sized room. It was dark and tattered for it wasn't as extravagent as the room you'd been taken in when you first arrived at Malfoy Manor. Tied to a chair that was almost ready to collapse due to its fragility, you felt that your day couldn't possibly get any worse. Oh how wrong you were. Within minutes, the Carrows were injecting you with all sorts of potions and poisons. It was completely unbearable. The chemicals coarsing through your veins as you felt energy sore throught your entire body. It was electrifying. The discomfort was indescribable as foreign liquids seeped into your skin causing reactions you didn't know possible. Bolts of electricity shooting up your legs and arms as you sat shaking in this frail chair made only of wood. Then, everything went black. 


Heyy hope you enjoyed this chapter <3 Hopefully the next one should be up in a few days depending on whether I have the time with college xxxxx

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