Chapter 9

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A few weeks had passed since your failed attempt at using the unforgivable curse on Bellatrix. You'd had quite a lot of appointments with her, more than usual that went on for hours. It was the sense of danger and excitement that intrigued you most about her. She was completely unpredictable and for some reason, you liked that. Whether it was the intellectual side of you that was so curious to discover more or if you'd genuinly seen another side to this woman that no one else had seen. That, you guess was one of your downfalls. You were attracted to broken people. Broken things. Bellatrix was most certainly a broken woman. A broken but powerful woman which drew you in closer. She'd taught you that power was a good thing and that with power, came strength and authority.

Strength was most definetly desirable. In this day and age, young witches were taken for granted. No one appreciated their intelligence or their power. Even the Ministry was strongly dominated by wizards. Was it wrong to crave power or to want more from life? That was a question that had been playing constantly on your mind over the past few days. You found yourself looking forward to the sessions with Bellatrix and counting down the hours till your next one. To being disheartened when it was time for you to leave her cell and return back home. To the sessions becoming more personal and not professional as they'd originally been.

This whole experience had changed you and it wasn't just you that had noticed. Distancing yourself from your family members and from your professors and friends became the new norm. You were driven to succeed and to learn more. To gain more knowledge which as a result, would lead to you having more power and more authority without having to be dependent upon men. Then, one day something completely out of the blue happened. Something that you'd most definetly not been expecting especially not for at least another few months.

A meeting was arranged for 1PM the following day between you and the headmistress. You hadn't spoken in a while so although you were excited to catch up, you were indeed a little curious at what this could possibly be concerning. It was decided the meeting would take place within her office which you were quite happy about. It had a business chic vibe that still had the mysterious and magical aura to it. You proceeded to head to her office at five minutes to one to ensure you got there on time. You gently knocked upon the wooden door before you heard a faint 'Come in'. She sat straight at a rectangular shaped table. On the table, there were a few photos of which you presumed to be her family. Next to the table, was a drawer that contained an assortment of different sweets. The chocolate frogs were always your personal favourite however it seemed you'd also acquired a taste for sugar quills and cauldron cakes.

"Now Y/N" she said, as you sat opposing her. "I just wanted to say personally how proud the Academy and the Ministey are of your successes with Bellatrix Lestrange. We do realise that given the case study being so difficult, it has been hard for you however you'll be pleased to know that the study is coming to an end at the end of this week" she exclaimed, as you sat there completely taken aback at the news. The old you would've been delighted at this news however, you'd grown sort of attached to this woman and couldn't imagine life without the weekly sessions. "A final visit is to be arranged for Friday as a means of farewell between you and Mrs Lestrange" she said, looking directly at you suprised at how shocked you looked. "You haven't grown fond of her have you Y/N?" she questioned. "N-no most definetly not" you said, even though in your heart you knew this wasn't true. "Good" she said. "Because I'd hate to think that the spawn of Satan himself had had some sort of effect on you Y/N your a bright girl"

"Is that all?" You said, before getting up to leave. "You're free to go" she smiled, before you left the room. You were completely clueless as to how you felt about the whole situation. A growing feeling of sickness developed in the pit of your stomach. Wild thoughts began to cloud your judgement. You knew what you needed to do. There was only one way that you could keep seeing her. For her to keep having this powerful influence over you. That was what was most important to you at this moment in time. Whether it was love or selfishness on your own part, you knew that you had to be in her presence even if it meant something as extreme as to releasing her from Azkaban or more specifically breaking her out. She'd told you about the Dark Lord supposedly coming to rescue her yet in the weeks you'd been there, that hadn't happened and she was losing it as the days went by. The values and morals that you'd held so closely were all about to be thrown out of the window if you did this. If you broke one of the most sadistic killers known to the Wizarding World out of Azkaban.

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