Chapter 20

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The journey to Devon was not an easy one. You couldn't apparate like usual due to the dark smoke that would follow so you made your journey on foot and via muggle transport which disgusted you. As you walked through the towns, there were gasps and faces frozen with a mixture of shock and horror. It was clear that your photo was all over the Daily Prophet no matter how much you tried to cover yourself up. People recognised you and were too scared to do anything. You liked this power, having this control over society with everyone not daring to stand against you. Bella was right. Power really was something else.

You eventually arrived in the seaside town of Devon. It was a bright, happy little village full of odd and perculiar people pottering round. You came to The Burrow which was where the Weasleys resided. The house was several stories high and held four or five chimnies on its roofs. It was unevenly shaped with each of the stories being topled on each other like a toddler playing blocks. It was definitely held up by some sort of magic. The Burrow was nestled in a large valley just five minutes from the centre of Devon. The grass was discoloured, long and overgrown with different weeds hidden amongst it. It was now time to begin.

You ran to the door, limping to add effect and banged on it loudly. "Help me" you cried, as a woman with flaming red hair answered the door. As soon as she recognised you, she drew her wand holding it against your chin. "Y/N Rosier" she said, coldly. "P-please there going to catch me, Miss" you cried, managing to squeeze a few tears which dripped down your cheeks. She opened the door and you stumbled in, nearly collapsing on the floor. My, if you wasn't a deatheater you sure could've been an actress. "What happened Y/N" the woman who you now recognised to be Molly Weasley asked. "I-I was sent to work in Azkaban for the Ministry. T-then I got too comfortable around that crazy haired psycho and started doing things I had no control over" you stuttered, as she stroked your back. It was working.

"Then, I was brought back to h-him where he made me do unspeakable things" you cried as she called for her husband to come in. He saw the state you were in so it didn't take long before you had both Molly and Arthur Weasley wrapped around your little finger. "Must've been the Imperius curse. I take it you've heard of that Y/N" he said, getting a wet cloth to wipe the mixture of blood and dirt off of you. "Yes, I think I covered it in my t-third year" you said, pleased that the Dark Lord's plan was going as he'd said. "You're a good girl Y/N we know it and the Ministry knows it.. we'll go first thing tommorow morning but first get some rest. I'm sure you've had quite the few months" she said, smiling at you. You nodded back weakly trying to force a smile at these blood traitors. They set you up on the couch with a large pillow and a patchwork quilt. You fell asleep almost instantly and strangely it was the best sleep you'd had in a while.

The nexr morning, you were woke by three or four children who along with the couple shared the same red hair and freckles. "Mummy isn't that-" a boy stuttered. He was no older than 8 maybe 9. "Now now Ronnie this is indeed Y/N Rosier however it is not as we all thought. She's still on our side" she smiled down at the young boy as he let out a sigh of relief. "Wrong" you thought "but it doesn't matter".

Molly then turned to you before announcing the children's names. "This here is Ron" she said, pointing to the youngest boy. "These two are Fred and George. There going into their first year at Hogwarts this fall" she smiled, pointing to the two boys who were of a similar height and had the same mop of red hair that fell over their eyes. "Then we have Percy" she said, pointing to a skinny boy who had a paler complexion than all the Weasleys combined. Percy in your opinion looked like a shrivled prune. He wore rectangular shaped spectacles and didn't smile nor make any expression at you. "Our Charlie is in his 5th year and Bill has just left" she smiled, referring to her elder two sons.

The children, despite being told you weren't evil, were still cautious around you in your hours at The Burrow. It was soon time for your journey to the Ministry.

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