Chapter 3

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You normally slept till around nine however today was different. The sun rose slightly earlier as you felt the warmth hit your face. The other three girls were all still fast asleep, due to it being quite early in the morning. You slipped into the silk white gown that hung from your bed post and nipped out of the bedroom door. Typically, a small kitchen was shared between four girls at the academy. Yours only came with basic appliances but had the most gorgeous vintage cupboards that added to the enchanted, mystical aura the building gave off.

One thing for certain about this place that you couldn't imagine living without were the pumpkin spiced lattes you made every morning before studying. You could even put them on the same level as the ones made for you at Hogwarts however these were truly something else. You filled the mug with your favourite traditional autumn spices: cinnamon, nutmeg and clove then topped it off with whipped cream and fresh pumpkin spice.

Taking your drink back to your room, you decided to take the Headmistress' advice and start your research upon Bellatrix Lestrange. You sat at your desk and read through the countless articles enclosed within the file. "DEATHEATER SIGHTED IN NORTH LONDON" and "ALICE AND FRANK LONGBOTTOM TORTURED BY DEATHEATERS". You gritted your teeth. This woman wasn't nice. You then read through her file.

ADRY 1962-1969.

You quickly looked back at the article labled 'ALICE AND FRANK LONGBOTTOM TORTURED BY DEATHEATERS' - there in the bottom corner was Bellatrix Black Lestrange and her husband Rodolphus Lestrange.

On Rodolphus' left, there was another man. He was pale and freckled with straw blonde hair. It was Barty Crouch Jr who aided the Lestranges in driving the Longbottoms to insanity. His eyes were completely soulless and you could tell his evilness was deep rooted. This man was ruled by his own insanity. The chills you felt whilst looking at these three individuals were unmatched.

At the bottom of her file, there was an address. You thought back to what Madame Devereux had said to you. About contacting the Ministry in regards to Mrs Lestrange. You decided to give it a go and proceeded to take a parchment from the little stack in front of you and your favourite black quill.

Dear to whomever this may concern,

I am writing on the advice of the headmistress at the academy of excellence to ask you about a certain matter regarding my case study.
My name is Y/N. I have been given the task of researching Mrs Bellatrix Lestrange born October 27th 1951. It has come to my attention that Mrs Lestrange is currently serving a lengthy sentence in Azkaban therefore I was hoping to be informed as to how I may get in contact with her to be able to have a better understanding within my studies. I understand if this is not a possiblity however due to the Ministry's request, it can't hurt to ask.

Kind regards,

You carefully lit the candle to the left of you then rolled your letter into a small bundle. After this, you poured some of the hot wax on to the opening of the letter to seal it then stamped it with the traditional Academy logo. You decided that you would take the letter down to the barn as soon as possible however, with the weather outside, going out in your pyjamas was just not an option.

You changed into a warmer outfit. Black of course for it was the colour that complimented your complexion the best. As you brushed your long dark waves so that they flowed down your back, you were ready. It had began to snow outside so you put on your boots and large winter coat and headed out to the Barn.

It was a fairly short way as you slipped out of the back door. Snow had already began to settle on the frozen ground covering the autumnal leaves. You felt the icy wind hit your cheeks as you proceeded to walk towards the building. The Barn was a fairly old building which had been on the grounds since before anyone could remember. It held the animals of the Academy and most importantly, where your beloved owl lived. A family pet that had been passed down through generations he gave you a sense of home especially when you were missing your family.

You took him down from his stand and placed the letter in his beak to which he responded by flying off the grounds in the direction you presumed the Ministry to be in. After you convinced that your letter was well on it's way, you headed back to the warmth and safety of the school. Although it was cold, there was something weirdly comforting about being outside in the snowy weather. Perhaps it was because being outside where it was soothingly silent, it took you away from the normality and the stress of everyday life. It relaxed your mind and gave you change to reflect on the previous events that'd happened within the day and also upon the events that were going to happen. People that were going to happen. People like Bellatrix Lestrange and the Minister of Magic who you were undeniably going to meet at sometime during your work within the Ministry.

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