Chapter 12

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From the moment those words left his icy lips, fear had consumed you. Bellatrix had a huge smirk  that was only spreading across her face with every gasp that escaped as you tried to get away. As she walked over to you, you could hear the heeled boots hit the stone floor with every step she took.  She was dressed in something far more fitting - a black leather corset which enhanced all her best features with a dark flowing dress underneath. The sleeves on this dress opened at the elbow and were joined by a clasp near to her wrist. Her mark was visable as the sleeve was laced on both arms. Her nails were painted a deep rich black and shaped stiletto style. To be honest, they reminded you of the cats back at the Academy - evil little things. They always used to try claw you when either you or one of the other girls used to bathe them. This caused you to become homesick and full of regret as you thought about the past you'd left behind and the life you'd sacrificed all for a woman who quite frankly cared for no one other than herself. 

"What to do with you, pet" she purred, inches away from your face with her head tilted slightly. Your breathing grew heavier. You felt like your throat was growing and becoming tighter as you struggled to breathe which caused Bellatrix's confidence to grow. "Already out of breath Y/N?"she said, smirking as she taunted you "I haven't even begun" she pouted, raising an eyebrow as you felt her breath against your lip. Despite the annoyance and hatred you felt for this woman, you melted under her touch. She had a way of controlling you ever since the first appointment in Azkaban. Wow. Azkaban. It seemed like a lifetime ago when for the very first time you walked down the halls. Your name was tarnished outside these walls and you knew it. However, what you did know after studying Bellatrix for so long, is the fact she loved to be challenged and she was drawn to power which you knew you could use as an advantage. "If you will, Mrs Lestrange" you taunted, as you glanced over to her husband Rodolphus who was sat with the other deatheaters at the long table. This infuriated her to be reminded she was still married to someone who not only lacked power but was also incapable of making her happy. "It appears I'm staying and you really would be a fool to mistreat me due to the name I have built for myself in the Wizarding World and the connections I have which could prove useful" you laughed, as Bellatrix stumbled back quite suprised that you'd not only questioned her but managed to humiliate her in front of the Dark Lord and his followers.

"Y/N I take it you haven't heard the claims made against you outside these walls.. how you've betrayed the Ministry and sided with the death eaters" said a man, with long icy blonde hair and a cane which a snake replacing the head of it. You took this man to be Lucius Malfoy, husband of Narcissa Malfoy and brother in-law to Bellatrix. He smirked at Bellatrix which motivated her to continue. "I suppose Mr Malfoy, I could play the Imperius card after all, you'd know quite a bit about that" you spat which caused him and the Malfoys to look away in shame as you stood there smugly as the whole room roared with laughter. It appeared that your wit and your outburst suprised not only Bellatrix and Lucius but Voldermort himself. You then proceeded to walk away from the pair until your name was called. "Y/N?" Voldermort called. " Yes, my Lord" you said, turning your head to his direction. "I never got your last name?" he said. "Rosier. Y/N Rosier" to which the whole room gasped in reaction to your last name not only to you being pureblood but one of the sacred 28. "Bellatrix, why did you not inform us that your new friend was of Rosier heritage?" The witch had now joined the table and sunk into her chair with her head down. "My apologies, my Lord" she said. "I had no idea".

"I'll deal with you later Bellatrix" he said, coldly. "For now, Severus if you'd be so kind as to show Miss Y/N Rosier her room. We want to make her feel as welcome as possible". Severus Snape, a tall man with shoulder length thick hair, then left his chair which was seated between Corban Yaxley and Antonin Dolohov, and walked over to you. You followed cautiously behind until you were out of site of Voldermort and the other death eaters. "Professor Snape?" you questioned. "Don't call me that" he snarled. Professor Snape was one of the most valued and trusted professors back at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He was head of Slytherin house where you were sorted in your first year. A sinister man who was despised by most but nevertheless a great professor who allowed you to get the grades you needed in OWLS to be able to study at the Academy. He was someone that, despite his cold exterior and wicked ways, you never expected to become a death eater due to his loyalties to Albus. 

You were led down countless halls and numerous different staircases until you eventually reached a room. The door was painted a rich brown with a golden knob, shaped in the style of a serpent. Severus opened the door and you both stepped inside. The bed, the room, the furniture.. everything about this space you were standing in screamed luxury. You walked over to the bed which was carved out of the darkest of woods. The bedding was made of the purest silk, coloured in a deep wine red. Beside the bed, there were two cabinets each made from the same type of wood. The whole room radiated excellence and power and was far more extravagent than your small corner back at the Academy. On the right hand side of the room, directly across from the door was a rounded table and armchair. Next to the table, was a fireplace. The mantle painted a deep black as the fire roared. Above the fireplace, was a mirror which you immediately went to for it had been days or even weeks since you'd changed which was made apparent by your tattered white coat, covered in ash and soot from the cellar.

Your whole appearence shocked you. You barely recognised yourself. Your hair was wild and messed and was painful to touch due to the scabs on your head that had began to form due to the oil and dirt that had began to develop on the surface. The fresh mascara that you'd once gently applied was now resting under your eyes and the perfectly painted cherry red lipstick was smeared across your jaw. You were well and truly the definition of a mess. "I am sure that Narcissa will have something that fits a woman of your stature" Snape said, before exiting as his cloak flowed swiftly behind him. As soon as he left, you collapsed on the bed letting your body sink into the mattress. Exhaustion had consumed you as you stared up towards the ceiling. You thought about what Lucius has said which caused you to panic. What were they saying about you at home? What were your parents thinking? or most importantly what did the one person who you had the greatest and upmost respect for - your headmistress. You were now simply a 'deatheater' to most a 'betrayer of the Ministry'. Was that who you were now? Just an ally to Voldermort. These mixed thoughts of betrayal and respect intruded and clouded your mind. It was all you could think of and all that was on your mind as you lay there. 


I think I'm gonna write more tonight if I get the chance! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'll try get the next one up soon <33 love you all xxxxx

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